Pushwoosh / pushwoosh-react-native-plugin

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iOS: Providing UNNotification callback delegate #82

Closed BozidarK93 closed 4 years ago

BozidarK93 commented 4 years ago

When using Pushwoosh on iOS we can not receive any local notification callbacks since the shared UNNotification delegate is assigned in the init method. This means that I can not assign my own UNNotification delegate in order to get iOS UNNotificationCenterDelegate callback methods.

Suggestion: Adding a new parameter in the config or exposing a new javascript method for setting the UNNotification delegate could be one of the possible approaches. If there is an interest in this feature I can make a PR.

BozidarK93 commented 4 years ago

Than I could achieve something like the following https://github.com/Pushwoosh/pushwoosh-ios-sdk/issues/65

wfhm commented 4 years ago

Hi @BozidarK93,

Let me pull some time to review the information that you have provided. I will get back to you soon.

Please stay tuned.

wfhm commented 4 years ago


I've discussed it with the team and we'd be happy to see a PR adding this feature. Thanks in advance!

p01nicoaurev commented 4 years ago

@wfhm Any update on this? :)

nikolleto commented 4 years ago

@BozidarK93 @p01nicoaurev PR has just been merged. Thank you greatly for collaboration.

p01nicoaurev commented 4 years ago

@nikolleto what SDK version this implementation will be available?

wfhm commented 4 years ago


It is available starting with 6.0.2 version of pushwoosh-react-native-plugin. To use it, just specify "pw_notification_handling":"CUSTOM" in Pushwoosh.init() method params.

p01nicoaurev commented 4 years ago


How about for iOS not for react native?