Putnam-Lab / Lab_Management

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Generate individual QR code stickers for lab and freezer inventory #72

Open hputnam opened 5 months ago

hputnam commented 5 months ago

Use the RAPID Poc study as the first test case for generating individual QR codes for each sample box

chloe-gilligan commented 5 months ago

@hputnam I am working from home today, can I complete this on Monday?

hputnam commented 5 months ago

@chloe-gilligan there is nothing yet to do on campus for this. I need you to start a system from scratch. Please investigate what kind of system is possible and make a suggestion/plan.

hputnam commented 5 months ago

@chloe-gilligan can you please investigate what kind of system we could use for this. For example we have 8 metal racks with 11 boxes each in the -20 chest freezer. We want to make it easy to find any original tube or DNA tube from the project as we are working on the extractions, PRC, and analysis. Therefore we need to know exactly which tubes are in which boxes. For me the easiest would be to have a QR code on each metal rack that links you to an inventory sheet with all of the boxes and then all of the boxes have a link to all of the tubes inside. @PierrickHarnay you have all of the inventory information. Please work together to design and implement this system. We will then be able to apply it to all bags, racks, and boxes in any freezer or fridge. Thank you!

hputnam commented 5 months ago

Here is an example of what I would like on every box eventually https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00D1GG482/ref=sspa_dk_detail_4?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B00D1GG482&pd_rd_w=SERqt&content-id=amzn1.sym.d81b167d-1f9e-48b6-87d8-8aa5e473ea8c&pf_rd_p=d81b167d-1f9e-48b6-87d8-8aa5e473ea8c&pf_rd_r=0QM8FC8F5KDKBZNAEXAW&pd_rd_wg=ZgtPw&pd_rd_r=e5485f02-8545-4a6f-9eef-0271f25811e1&s=office-products&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWxfdGhlbWF0aWM

hputnam commented 4 months ago

@chloe-gilligan are you ready to meet to discuss next steps in this process?

chloe-gilligan commented 4 months ago

@hputnam Yes, I will upload a protocol soon with the two directions this can go in. I am prepared to talk about it in lab meeting tomorrow or with you prior to that if you'd like

chloe-gilligan commented 4 months ago

QR code protocols and information on system ideas:


chloe-gilligan commented 4 months ago

QR code and inventory protocol:


hputnam commented 4 months ago

Use this information to write a formal protocol.

Plan your project Step 1 obtain a project ID. Step 2 Generate a project sample sheet for original samples (url github csv file)

@chloe-gilligan we will write and design this