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Unassorted bugfixes and feature requests #184

Open TheOriginalSoni opened 2 hours ago

TheOriginalSoni commented 2 hours ago

List of bugfixes and feature requests from the last few months. To either quickfix or make issues for each one

TheOriginalSoni commented 2 hours ago

~getsource is broken

TheOriginalSoni commented 2 hours ago

~help : help to be betttered : Probably use arrow keys and different sections

TheOriginalSoni commented 2 hours ago

~emoji could take multiple emoji as arguments

TheOriginalSoni commented 2 hours ago

~sortcat : See what sorting we are using (Insertion/bubble? Can we use least edits instead?)

TheOriginalSoni commented 2 hours ago

Use true multithreading or some other Nextcord task looping methods : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28492103/how-to-combine-python-asyncio-with-threads https://pypi.org/project/gspread-asyncio/

TheOriginalSoni commented 2 hours ago

~help : Add all custom commands to ~help somehow

TheOriginalSoni commented 2 hours ago

~catsummaryhydra : Errors randomly. Explore why.

TheOriginalSoni commented 2 hours ago

The readme doesn't really contain any examples, screenshots, or use cases

TheOriginalSoni commented 2 hours ago

"real custom commands" - As simple as "Trigger other commands like a bash script"

~command1 $1
~command2 $1 $2

It has something like

custom_command = “assignrole”
if bot.hasattr(custom_command, “”):
  bot.(uhhh… call?)(custom_command)
TheOriginalSoni commented 2 hours ago

https://github.com/mahtoid/DiscordChatExporterPy - pip install chat-exporter : so if we just install it and rewrite the code to use .quick_export() it should work?

TheOriginalSoni commented 2 hours ago

~archivechan etc : Archive associated threads alongside channels too ~archivechan etc : Plus pins of archive should be listed somewhere?

TheOriginalSoni commented 2 hours ago

Webhook : List all "Botwide notifications". Tethers deleted and what not

TheOriginalSoni commented 2 hours ago

Tether clean up - Check if Database is cleared of everything periodically (deleted roles, deleted channels etc)

TheOriginalSoni commented 2 hours ago

add ~addroletochan : command to add a specific role to a channel

TheOriginalSoni commented 2 hours ago

FInish huntlion and clonelion

TheOriginalSoni commented 2 hours ago


TheOriginalSoni commented 2 hours ago

to make a solve graph? https://github.com/Moonrise55/Mbot/pull/28/commits/d49f2840bc84231d6726b8f898ccd22cf3a08cae

TheOriginalSoni commented 2 hours ago

Multi create (chanhydra being multi line)

TheOriginalSoni commented 2 hours ago

"Count messages by user" - Part of ~catsummaryhydra?

TheOriginalSoni commented 2 hours ago

~chanhydra : Convert "Meta Template" etc to be variables not hard coded

TheOriginalSoni commented 2 hours ago

"Change META-NOTE in command or chanlion"

TheOriginalSoni commented 2 hours ago

BatchUpdateBuilder should be a not builder but a regular class (see Errorbuilder and logging etc)