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Badges #1

Open captn3m0 opened 1 month ago

captn3m0 commented 1 month ago

Award badges to teams for various coolness:

  1. Streak (3 months in a row, 6 months in a row, 9 months in a row, 12 months in a row).
  2. Achieving a sub-1h time
  3. Having an alias
  4. One badge for every "completing" a december-year-end puzzle.
  5. "Christmas" badge for completing any of the christmas themed events
  6. A badge for year-X, given 6+ appearances in year=X.
  7. Consistent team size (no of players is same across 4 months)
  8. Special badges for fastest-10 teams (or finishers?) in specific-themed-events. Physicist for Quantum Physics etc.
inputj commented 1 month ago
captn3m0 commented 1 month ago

Started work on this, will hopefully have a few badges by the June event.

captn3m0 commented 2 weeks ago

Most of the above are implemented. Will go for the "early starter" one next, but running out of ideas. Please suggest more silly non-competitive badges..