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新年开翻啦:Python语言参考手册(3.6) #19

Open ictar opened 7 years ago

ictar commented 7 years ago

文档地址: 对应原地址: 划分章节: 1. Introduction 2. Lexical analysis 3. Data model -- @agnewee 认领 4. Execution model 5. The import system -- @ictar 认领 17.02.20 6.Expressions -- @sxqs-yang 认领

6.4.Await expression 6.5. The power operator 6.6. Unary arithmetic and bitwise operations 6.7. Binary arithmetic operations 6.8. Shifting operations 6.9. Binary bitwise operations 6.10. Comparisons 6.11. Boolean operations 6.12. Conditional expressions 6.13. Lambdas 6.14. Expression lists 6.15. Evaluation order 6.16.Operator precedence

7. Simple statements 8. Compound statements 9. Top-level components 10. Full Grammar specification

认领方式为在对应章节后加上 -- @name 认领,并加上交稿截止日期。超过期限未上传未延期者,视为放弃该章节。该章节则重新释放,供其他人认领。 初定每个人认领一章节。由于每个章节长短不一,认领人可以自行在对应章节下贴上章节下小节部分供他人认领。 使用Markdown。


qcha0 commented 7 years ago

3. Data model -- @agnewee

sxqs-yang commented 7 years ago
  1. Expressions -- @sxqs-yang
alex-marmot commented 7 years ago
  1. Top-level components -- @alex-marmot 2017-2-20
zhangyangyu commented 7 years ago

Python的官方文档可能任何时候都会被更新,即使是稳定版本的。要解决这个问题可以参考Julien( 和 INADA(。