PyCQA / docformatter

Formats docstrings to follow PEP 257
MIT License
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[FR][UX] Dedicated config location possibility: `.docformatter.toml` #212

Open webknjaz opened 1 year ago

webknjaz commented 1 year ago

With some on-scale maintenance workflows, it's important to be able to put different tool configurations in their own config files. Like .flake8 or towncrier.toml. One of such workflows is, for example.

With the above in mind, I'd like to suggest adding support for a tool-specific config. It could be, for example, .docformatter.toml (I would be fine with just .docformatter and ini-parser but a lot of people prefer TOML these days).

I understand that it's possible to use --config with whatever filename I like but this would require passing it everywhere if the tool is to be used from different environments (like pre-commit and various editors). Doing so adds to the maintenance burden, while this FR's motivation is to reduce it.