PyCQA / docformatter

Formats docstrings to follow PEP 257
MIT License
524 stars 61 forks source link

1.7.2-rc8 bug #232

Closed AntoineD closed 1 year ago

AntoineD commented 1 year ago


def f():
    :param x: X
    :param y: Y

is converted to

def f():
    """:param x: X :param y: Y."""
weibullguy commented 1 year ago

@AntoineD this is the result of not having a summary in what is intended to be a multi-line docstring. Because there is no summary line, docformatter is treating the :param: statements as the summary. This is really the result of feeding docformatter a non-PEP-257 compliant docstring. Closing to #231 for now.