PyCQA / docformatter

Formats docstrings to follow PEP 257
MIT License
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docformatter omits pyproject.toml configuration when has no extra dependencies installed #268

Open kfot opened 8 months ago

kfot commented 8 months ago

I have a pyproject.toml file containing some entries for black, ruff and docformatter. When I install the latest docformatter in a clean environment it does not read the configuration from the config file, simply omits it even if it's explicitly specified. The other formatters have no issue reading the same file.

My pyproject toml:

black = true
recursive = true
in-place = true
wrap-summaries = 120
wrap-descriptions = 120

I believe the behavior is exactly the same as in this old issue.

Issue is present in docformatter version 1.7.5, tested on multiple Python versions with the same results.