PyCQA / flake8-bugbear

A plugin for Flake8 finding likely bugs and design problems in your program. Contains warnings that don't belong in pyflakes and pycodestyle.
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Avoid another source of deprecation warnings on py312 #394

Closed AlexWaygood closed 1 year ago

AlexWaygood commented 1 year ago

Running flake8 (with flake8-bugbear installed) using Python 3.12 on a file containing this...

class Foo:
    def visit_NameConstant(self):

...will cause this DeprecationWarning to be emitted:

flake8-bugbear\ DeprecationWarning: ast.NameConstant is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14; use ast.Constant instead
  class_type = getattr(ast, class_name, None)

This is because of this line here -- doing getattr(ast, "NameConstant", None) causes a DeprecationWarning to be emitted on Python 3.12:

I think the simplest thing here is just to catch and silence any deprecation warnings that might arise as a result of this getattr() call. (An alternative strategy could be to hardcode a list of AST node names that we know are deprecated, and avoid passing them to the getattr() call. But we'd have to make sure we kept that up to date -- more AST nodes might be deprecated in future Python versions.)