PyCQA / isort

A Python utility / library to sort imports.
MIT License
6.49k stars 580 forks source link

skips are not honored since isort 5.9.x #1762

Closed pums974 closed 3 years ago

pums974 commented 3 years ago

I'm using isort with my project for some time now, thank you for this project !

Everything was working well with 5.8.0 but with 5.9.0 I have the error

OSError: [Errno 7] Argument list too long: 'git'

And with the version 5.9.1, extend_skip and skip_gitignore are not honored and isort goes into my venv folder where it shouldn't go.

Thank you for looking into this

grant-zietsman commented 3 years ago

I have noticed the same thing happening this side.

timothycrosley commented 3 years ago

@pums974 and @grant-zietsman I'm so sorry this broke for both of you! Can you try the latest version from github and see if it is still an issue? pip install git+ Additionally, are either of you willing to share more information about how your settings are set providing the output of isort . --show-config?

pums974 commented 3 years ago

Yeah no problem

`isort . --show-config`: ```python { "_known_patterns": null, "_section_comments": null, "_skips": null, "_skip_globs": null, "_sorting_function": null, "py_version": "py3", "force_to_top": [], "skip": [ ".hg", "__pypackages__", "buck-out", ".pants.d", ".eggs", "_build", "dist", ".mypy_cache", ".venv", ".tox", ".svn", ".direnv", ".git", "venv", "node_modules", "build", ".bzr", ".nox" ], "extend_skip": [ "tmp", "ext_bin", "venv", "ext" ], "skip_glob": [], "extend_skip_glob": [], "skip_gitignore": true, "line_length": 100, "wrap_length": 0, "line_ending": "", "sections": [ "FUTURE", "STDLIB", "THIRDPARTY", "FIRSTPARTY", "LOCALFOLDER" ], "no_sections": false, "known_future_library": [ "__future__" ], "known_third_party": [], "known_first_party": [], "known_local_folder": [], "known_standard_library": [ "mmap", "tarfile", "hmac", "pwd", "shelve", "audioop", "getopt", "macpath", "uuid", "runpy", "optparse", "pkgutil", "formatter", "ensurepip", "test", "dbm", "hashlib", "encodings", "wave", 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"auto_identify_namespace_packages": true, "namespace_packages": [], "follow_links": true, "indented_import_headings": true, "honor_case_in_force_sorted_sections": false, "sort_relative_in_force_sorted_sections": false, "overwrite_in_place": false, "reverse_sort": false, "star_first": false, "git_ignore": {}, "format_error": "{error}: {message}", "format_success": "{success}: {message}", "sort_order": "natural", "source": "defaults" }, { "multi_line_output": 3, "include_trailing_comma": true, "force_grid_wrap": 0, "use_parentheses": true, "ensure_newline_before_comments": true, "line_length": 88, "source": "black profile" }, { "profile": "black", "multi_line_output": "VERTICAL_HANGING_INDENT", "line_length": 100, "extend_skip": [ "tmp", "ext_bin", "ext" ], "src_paths": [ "pymcac" ], "skip_gitignore": true, "source": "/Data/WORK/Projets/SRC/MCAC/pyproject.toml" } ], "virtual_env": "", "conda_env": "", "ensure_newline_before_comments": true, "directory": "/Data/WORK/Projets/SRC/MCAC", "profile": "black", "honor_noqa": false, "src_paths": [ "/Data/WORK/Projets/SRC/MCAC/pymcac" ], "old_finders": false, "remove_redundant_aliases": false, "float_to_top": false, "filter_files": false, "formatter": "", "formatting_function": null, "color_output": false, "treat_comments_as_code": [], "treat_all_comments_as_code": false, "supported_extensions": [ "pxd", "pyi", "py", "pyx" ], "blocked_extensions": [ "pex" ], "constants": [], "classes": [], "variables": [], "dedup_headings": false, "only_sections": false, "only_modified": false, "combine_straight_imports": false, "auto_identify_namespace_packages": true, "namespace_packages": [], "follow_links": true, "indented_import_headings": true, "honor_case_in_force_sorted_sections": false, "sort_relative_in_force_sorted_sections": false, "overwrite_in_place": false, "reverse_sort": false, "star_first": false, "git_ignore": {}, "format_error": "{error}: {message}", "format_success": "{success}: {message}", "sort_order": "natural" } ```
`pyproject.toml`: ```toml [tool.isort] profile = "black" multi_line_output = 3 line_length = 100 extend_skip = [ "tmp", "ext", "ext_bin", ] skip_gitignore = true ```

I just realize that with skip_gitignore = false, everything seems to be working OK

And I have the same results the current git version (15234f8)

grant-zietsman commented 3 years ago

I ran this with the latest version (installed from git) and these are the results that I am seeing.

isort --check . ``` ERROR: /mnt/jenkins-data/workspace/branch/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ Imports are incorrectly sorted and/or formatted. ERROR: /mnt/jenkins-data/workspace/branch/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ Imports are incorrectly sorted and/or formatted. ERROR: /mnt/jenkins-data/workspace/branch/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ Imports are incorrectly sorted and/or formatted. ERROR: /mnt/jenkins-data/workspace/branch/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/coverage/ Imports are incorrectly sorted and/or formatted. ... ```
isort . --show-config ``` { "_known_patterns": null, "_section_comments": null, "_skips": null, "_skip_globs": null, "_sorting_function": null, "py_version": "py3", "force_to_top": [], "skip": [ "dist", ".venv", ".pants.d", "build", ".hg", "node_modules", ".mypy_cache", ".nox", "_build", ".direnv", ".eggs", "__pypackages__", ".bzr", ".git", ".svn", "venv", ".tox", "buck-out" ], "extend_skip": [], "skip_glob": [], "extend_skip_glob": [], "skip_gitignore": true, "line_length": 88, "wrap_length": 0, "line_ending": "", "sections": [ "FUTURE", "STDLIB", "THIRDPARTY", "FIRSTPARTY", "LOCALFOLDER" ], "no_sections": false, "known_future_library": [ "__future__" ], "known_third_party": [], "known_first_party": [], "known_local_folder": [], "known_standard_library": [ "ssl", "hashlib", "cmd", "profile", "contextvars", "readline", "cmath", "runpy", "errno", "colorsys", "re", "zipfile", "time", "graphlib", "binascii", "uuid", "secrets", "datetime", "doctest", "termios", "ipaddress", "rlcompleter", 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"filter_files": false, "formatter": "", "formatting_function": null, "color_output": false, "treat_comments_as_code": [], "treat_all_comments_as_code": false, "supported_extensions": [ "pyi", "pyx", "pxd", "py" ], "blocked_extensions": [ "pex" ], "constants": [], "classes": [], "variables": [], "dedup_headings": false, "only_sections": false, "only_modified": false, "combine_straight_imports": false, "auto_identify_namespace_packages": true, "namespace_packages": [], "follow_links": true, "indented_import_headings": true, "honor_case_in_force_sorted_sections": false, "sort_relative_in_force_sorted_sections": false, "overwrite_in_place": false, "reverse_sort": false, "star_first": false, "git_ignore": {}, "format_error": "{error}: {message}", "format_success": "{success}: {message}", "sort_order": "natural" } ```
cat .gitignore ``` ... .local ... ```
tahmidmehdi commented 3 years ago

I also have this issue with isort 5.9.1. I installed the latest version ( 23d708e ) from git & the issue persisted.

isort . --show-config

    "_known_patterns": null,
    "_section_comments": null,
    "_skips": null,
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    "_sorting_function": null,
    "py_version": "py3",
    "force_to_top": [],
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    "skip_glob": [],
    "extend_skip_glob": [],
    "skip_gitignore": true,
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    "extra_standard_library": [],
    "known_other": {},
    "multi_line_output": "VERTICAL_HANGING_INDENT",
    "forced_separate": [],
    "indent": "    ",
    "comment_prefix": "  #",
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    "length_sort_sections": [],
    "add_imports": [],
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    "append_only": false,
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    "force_single_line": false,
    "single_line_exclusions": [],
    "default_section": "THIRDPARTY",
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    "balanced_wrapping": false,
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    "order_by_type": true,
    "atomic": false,
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    "quiet": false,
    "force_adds": false,
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    "force_alphabetical_sort": false,
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            "extend_skip_glob": [],
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            "multi_line_output": "GRID",
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            "force_alphabetical_sort": false,
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            "directory": "",
            "profile": "",
            "honor_noqa": false,
            "src_paths": [],
            "old_finders": false,
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            "reverse_sort": false,
            "star_first": false,
            "git_ignore": {},
            "format_error": "{error}: {message}",
            "format_success": "{success}: {message}",
            "sort_order": "natural",
            "source": "defaults"
            "multi_line_output": "VERTICAL_HANGING_INDENT",
            "include_trailing_comma": true,
            "force_grid_wrap": 0,
            "use_parentheses": true,
            "line_length": 88,
            "skip": [
            "skip_gitignore": true,
            "source": "C:\\Users\\tfmehdi\\PycharmProjects\\api\\.isort.cfg"
    "virtual_env": "",
    "conda_env": "",
    "ensure_newline_before_comments": false,
    "directory": "C:\\Users\\tfmehdi\\PycharmProjects\\api",
    "profile": "",
    "honor_noqa": false,
    "src_paths": [
    "old_finders": false,
    "remove_redundant_aliases": false,
    "float_to_top": false,
    "filter_files": false,
    "formatter": "",
    "formatting_function": null,
    "color_output": false,
    "treat_comments_as_code": [],
    "treat_all_comments_as_code": false,
    "supported_extensions": [
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    "variables": [],
    "dedup_headings": false,
    "only_sections": false,
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    "overwrite_in_place": false,
    "reverse_sort": false,
    "star_first": false,
    "git_ignore": {},
    "format_error": "{error}: {message}",
    "format_success": "{success}: {message}",
    "sort_order": "natural"



The file specified with skip= is skipped as expected but the files & folders in .gitignore aren't skipped.



jaidisido commented 3 years ago

Same issue here when using 5.9.0 or 5.9.1 with a pyproject.toml:

multi_line_output = 3
include_trailing_comma = true
force_grid_wrap = 0
use_parentheses = true
ensure_newline_before_comments = true
line_length = 120
src_paths = ["", "awswrangler"]
py_version = 37
skip_gitignore = true

my entire .env Python environment is scanned by isort when it was previously ignore. Worked fine with 5.8.0

johnthagen commented 3 years ago

I also experienced this as well with 5.9.1, and as a user it was very difficult to pin down what was going on because isort simply took a very long time to complete, but I couldn't figure out why. Specifically, I think isort was processing the .tox and venv folders that are ignored in Git which have thousands of .py files in them.

I observed this behavior on Windows and macOS. Reverting to 5.8.0 fixed this issue.


profile = "black"
line_length = 99
force_sort_within_sections = true
skip_gitignore = true


``` # See for more about ignoring files. # Dependencies /node_modules /.pnp .pnp.js # Testing /coverage* /Backend.Tests/coverage* # Production /build # Generated Docker files for development use docker-compose.yml .env.* .env*.local nginx/scripts /backups /restore script_conf.json backup_conf.json # Misc .DS_Store .eslintcache Session.vim scripts/*.js !scripts/printVersion.js npm-debug.log* yarn-debug.log* yarn-error.log* # Visual Studio .vs/* # Backend Backend/.vs/**/* Backend/bin Backend/obj Backend/build /**/obj/**/* Backend.Tests/bin Backend.Tests/obj Backend/BackendFramework.csproj.user BackendFramework.sln.DotSettings.user Backend/.vscode/**/* Backend/SIL.Lift/**/* Backend/ql-database /**/*.xml /**/*.lift /**/*.orig Backend.Tests/bin/Audio/*.mp3 /**/*.~un /**/*.swp Backend.Tests/bin/Avatars/* mongo_database # User Guide docs/user_guide/site # Vagrant instances .vagrant/ # Python .tox .mypy_cache __pycache__ *.pyc venv # Host file to be used for ad hoc testing/development deploy/*.hosts.yml # YAML files for ad hoc testing/development _*.yml # Emacs backup files (this is Jim's fault) *~ \#*# # JetBrains Rider .idea ```
timothycrosley commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry everyone is continuing to experience this! There have been 2 major fixes against the git ignore behavior in the main branch since this was last experienced (I myself have not been able to get this to happen). Can someone who is experiencing this issue try against latest main and see if it is resolved?

jaidisido commented 3 years ago

Tested pip install from current main and it seems to have fixed it for me, thanks

timothycrosley commented 3 years ago

@jaidisido thanks for testing! 5.9.2 has been pushed which should resolve this issue.

pums974 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I still have the issue with the version 5.9.2, although it is a bit different.
fatal: Pathspec '/some/path/other_project/' is in submodule 'other_project

where other_project is a git submodule, not in .gitignore but in extend_skip

If I put my venv in extend_skip and turn off skip_gitignore, everything seems to be working fine

`isort . --show-config`: ```python { "_known_patterns": null, "_section_comments": null, "_skips": null, "_skip_globs": null, "_sorting_function": null, "py_version": "py3", "force_to_top": [], "skip": [ "__pypackages__", ".tox", "dist", ".nox", ".venv", "build", ".mypy_cache", ".direnv", ".bzr", "venv", ".eggs", "buck-out", ".git", "node_modules", ".hg", ".svn", "_build", ".pants.d" ], "extend_skip": [ "other_project" ], "skip_glob": [], "extend_skip_glob": [], "skip_gitignore": true, "line_length": 100, "wrap_length": 0, "line_ending": "", "sections": [ "FUTURE", "STDLIB", "THIRDPARTY", "FIRSTPARTY", "LOCALFOLDER" ], "no_sections": false, "known_future_library": [ "__future__" ], "known_third_party": [], "known_first_party": [], "known_local_folder": [], "known_standard_library": [ "shelve", "formatter", "struct", "pstats", "sys", "imp", "imaplib", "pkgutil", "trace", "pprint", "fcntl", "symtable", "rlcompleter", "msilib", "tempfile", "tarfile", "json", "msvcrt", "pickle", "uu", 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"auto_identify_namespace_packages": true, "namespace_packages": [], "follow_links": true, "indented_import_headings": true, "honor_case_in_force_sorted_sections": false, "sort_relative_in_force_sorted_sections": false, "overwrite_in_place": false, "reverse_sort": false, "star_first": false, "git_ignore": {}, "format_error": "{error}: {message}", "format_success": "{success}: {message}", "sort_order": "natural", "source": "defaults" }, { "multi_line_output": 3, "include_trailing_comma": true, "force_grid_wrap": 0, "use_parentheses": true, "ensure_newline_before_comments": true, "line_length": 88, "source": "black profile" }, { "profile": "black", "multi_line_output": "VERTICAL_HANGING_INDENT", "line_length": 100, "extend_skip": [ "other_project" ], "skip_gitignore": true, "source": "/some/path/pyproject.toml" } ], "virtual_env": "", "conda_env": "", "ensure_newline_before_comments": true, "directory": "/some/path", "profile": "black", "honor_noqa": false, "src_paths": [ "/some/path/src", "/some/path" ], "old_finders": false, "remove_redundant_aliases": false, "float_to_top": false, "filter_files": false, "formatter": "", "formatting_function": null, "color_output": false, "treat_comments_as_code": [], "treat_all_comments_as_code": false, "supported_extensions": [ "py", "pyi", "pxd", "pyx" ], "blocked_extensions": [ "pex" ], "constants": [], "classes": [], "variables": [], "dedup_headings": false, "only_sections": false, "only_modified": false, "combine_straight_imports": false, "auto_identify_namespace_packages": true, "namespace_packages": [], "follow_links": true, "indented_import_headings": true, "honor_case_in_force_sorted_sections": false, "sort_relative_in_force_sorted_sections": false, "overwrite_in_place": false, "reverse_sort": false, "star_first": false, "git_ignore": {}, "format_error": "{error}: {message}", "format_success": "{success}: {message}", "sort_order": "natural" } ```
`pyproject.toml`: ```toml [tool.isort] profile = "black" multi_line_output = 3 line_length = 100 extend_skip = [ "other_project", ] skip_gitignore = true ```
johnthagen commented 3 years ago

@timothycrosley 5.9.2 seemed to fix the issue for me. Though when I ran with -v I was surprised to see no mention of skip_gitignore. Each of the skipped folders below is actually skipped because they are listed in .gitignore.

.tox was skipped as it's listed in 'skip' setting or matches a glob in 'skip_glob' setting
dist was skipped as it's listed in 'skip' setting or matches a glob in 'skip_glob' setting
.mypy_cache was skipped as it's listed in 'skip' setting or matches a glob in 'skip_glob' setting
venv was skipped as it's listed in 'skip' setting or matches a glob in 'skip_glob' setting
_build was skipped as it's listed in 'skip' setting or matches a glob in 'skip_glob' setting
Skipped 5 files

My config:

profile = "black"
line_length = 99
force_sort_within_sections = true
src_paths = ["config", "api"]
skip_gitignore = true

Let me know if you think I should open a separate issue about this.

timothycrosley commented 3 years ago

@johnthagen, good call out! Currently, that message isn't aware of why a skip happened. I've done the minimal thing of updating it to mention the gitignore possibility: but making it know why a file was skipped would require a bit more of a refactoring if it is needed.

pums974 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I still have the issue with the version 5.9.2, although it is a bit different. fatal: Pathspec '/some/path/other_project/' is in submodule 'other_project

where other_project is a git submodule, not in .gitignore but in extend_skip

If I put my venv in extend_skip and turn off skip_gitignore, everything seems to be working fine

Do you want me to open a different issue ?

johnthagen commented 3 years ago

I've done the minimal thing of updating it to mention the gitignore possibility: 6c1ec9a

To me that makes it clear enough (just knowing that it could be possibility). I don't think there is huge value is trying to track why each item was skipped. Thanks for the quick response and fix. isort is awesome.