PyCQA / isort

A Python utility / library to sort imports.
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extend_skip is not honored wit a git submodule when skip_gitignore=true #1777

Closed pums974 closed 3 years ago

pums974 commented 3 years ago

Hi, With the version 5.9.2, when skip_gitignore=True, I have the error: fatal: Pathspec '/some/path/other_project/' is in submodule 'other_project

where other_project is a git submodule, not in .gitignore but in extend_skip

If I turn off skip_gitignore, everything seems to be working fine.

`isort . --show-config`: ```python { "_known_patterns": null, "_section_comments": null, "_skips": null, "_skip_globs": null, "_sorting_function": null, "py_version": "py3", "force_to_top": [], "skip": [ "__pypackages__", ".tox", "dist", ".nox", ".venv", "build", ".mypy_cache", ".direnv", ".bzr", "venv", ".eggs", "buck-out", ".git", "node_modules", ".hg", ".svn", "_build", ".pants.d" ], "extend_skip": [ "other_project" ], "skip_glob": [], "extend_skip_glob": [], "skip_gitignore": true, "line_length": 100, "wrap_length": 0, "line_ending": "", "sections": [ "FUTURE", "STDLIB", "THIRDPARTY", "FIRSTPARTY", "LOCALFOLDER" ], "no_sections": false, "known_future_library": [ "__future__" ], "known_third_party": [], "known_first_party": [], "known_local_folder": [], "known_standard_library": [ "shelve", "formatter", "struct", "pstats", "sys", "imp", "imaplib", "pkgutil", "trace", "pprint", "fcntl", "symtable", "rlcompleter", "msilib", "tempfile", "tarfile", "json", "msvcrt", "pickle", "uu", "grp", "statistics", "keyword", "cmd", "difflib", "string", "hashlib", "argparse", "site", "itertools", "pipes", "tokenize", "faulthandler", "tracemalloc", "cmath", "smtplib", "datetime", "ast", "winreg", "aifc", "netrc", "pydoc", "ntpath", "subprocess", "zipimport", "importlib", "zipapp", "curses", "_dummy_thread", "resource", "multiprocessing", "bdb", "email", "gettext", "fractions", "tkinter", "gc", "select", "unittest", "warnings", "timeit", "sqlite3", "encodings", "zoneinfo", "reprlib", "math", "chunk", "readline", "pyclbr", "binascii", "binhex", "inspect", "random", "zipfile", "imghdr", "xmlrpc", "operator", "sre", "typing", "atexit", "pty", "stat", "ctypes", "compileall", "urllib", "wsgiref", "asyncio", "html", "macpath", "sre_compile", "csv", "crypt", "copyreg", "abc", "types", "zlib", "lib2to3", "linecache", "shlex", "dataclasses", "poplib", "mimetypes", "io", "smtpd", "colorsys", "pwd", "dbm", "contextlib", "glob", "unicodedata", "concurrent", "array", "hmac", "asyncore", 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"errno", "modulefinder", "winsound", "cgi", "weakref", "spwd", "audioop", "traceback", "signal", "decimal", "platform" ], "extra_standard_library": [], "known_other": {}, "multi_line_output": "VERTICAL_HANGING_INDENT", "forced_separate": [], "indent": " ", "comment_prefix": " #", "length_sort": false, "length_sort_straight": false, "length_sort_sections": [], "add_imports": [], "remove_imports": [], "append_only": false, "reverse_relative": false, "force_single_line": false, "single_line_exclusions": [], "default_section": "THIRDPARTY", "import_headings": {}, "balanced_wrapping": false, "use_parentheses": true, "order_by_type": true, "atomic": false, "lines_after_imports": -1, "lines_between_sections": 1, "lines_between_types": 0, "combine_as_imports": false, "combine_star": false, "include_trailing_comma": true, "from_first": false, "verbose": false, "quiet": false, "force_adds": false, "force_alphabetical_sort_within_sections": false, "force_alphabetical_sort": false, "force_grid_wrap": 0, "force_sort_within_sections": false, "lexicographical": false, "group_by_package": false, "ignore_whitespace": false, "no_lines_before": [], "no_inline_sort": false, "ignore_comments": false, "case_sensitive": false, "sources": [ { "py_version": "py3", "force_to_top": [], "skip": [ "__pypackages__", ".tox", "dist", ".nox", ".venv", "build", ".mypy_cache", ".direnv", ".bzr", "venv", ".eggs", "buck-out", ".git", "node_modules", ".hg", ".svn", "_build", ".pants.d" ], "extend_skip": [], "skip_glob": [], "extend_skip_glob": [], "skip_gitignore": false, "line_length": 79, "wrap_length": 0, "line_ending": "", "sections": [ "FUTURE", "STDLIB", "THIRDPARTY", "FIRSTPARTY", "LOCALFOLDER" ], "no_sections": false, "known_future_library": [ "__future__" ], "known_third_party": [], "known_first_party": [], "known_local_folder": [], "known_standard_library": [ "shelve", "formatter", "struct", "pstats", "sys", "imp", "imaplib", "pkgutil", "trace", "pprint", "fcntl", "symtable", 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"force_alphabetical_sort_within_sections": false, "force_alphabetical_sort": false, "force_grid_wrap": 0, "force_sort_within_sections": false, "lexicographical": false, "group_by_package": false, "ignore_whitespace": false, "no_lines_before": [], "no_inline_sort": false, "ignore_comments": false, "case_sensitive": false, "sources": [], "virtual_env": "", "conda_env": "", "ensure_newline_before_comments": false, "directory": "", "profile": "", "honor_noqa": false, "src_paths": [], "old_finders": false, "remove_redundant_aliases": false, "float_to_top": false, "filter_files": false, "formatter": "", "formatting_function": null, "color_output": false, "treat_comments_as_code": [], "treat_all_comments_as_code": false, "supported_extensions": [ "py", "pyi", "pxd", "pyx" ], "blocked_extensions": [ "pex" ], "constants": [], "classes": [], "variables": [], "dedup_headings": false, "only_sections": false, "only_modified": false, "combine_straight_imports": false, "auto_identify_namespace_packages": true, "namespace_packages": [], "follow_links": true, "indented_import_headings": true, "honor_case_in_force_sorted_sections": false, "sort_relative_in_force_sorted_sections": false, "overwrite_in_place": false, "reverse_sort": false, "star_first": false, "git_ignore": {}, "format_error": "{error}: {message}", "format_success": "{success}: {message}", "sort_order": "natural", "source": "defaults" }, { "multi_line_output": 3, "include_trailing_comma": true, "force_grid_wrap": 0, "use_parentheses": true, "ensure_newline_before_comments": true, "line_length": 88, "source": "black profile" }, { "profile": "black", "multi_line_output": "VERTICAL_HANGING_INDENT", "line_length": 100, "extend_skip": [ "other_project" ], "skip_gitignore": true, "source": "/some/path/pyproject.toml" } ], "virtual_env": "", "conda_env": "", "ensure_newline_before_comments": true, "directory": "/some/path", "profile": "black", "honor_noqa": false, "src_paths": [ "/some/path/src", "/some/path" ], "old_finders": false, "remove_redundant_aliases": false, "float_to_top": false, "filter_files": false, "formatter": "", "formatting_function": null, "color_output": false, "treat_comments_as_code": [], "treat_all_comments_as_code": false, "supported_extensions": [ "py", "pyi", "pxd", "pyx" ], "blocked_extensions": [ "pex" ], "constants": [], "classes": [], "variables": [], "dedup_headings": false, "only_sections": false, "only_modified": false, "combine_straight_imports": false, "auto_identify_namespace_packages": true, "namespace_packages": [], "follow_links": true, "indented_import_headings": true, "honor_case_in_force_sorted_sections": false, "sort_relative_in_force_sorted_sections": false, "overwrite_in_place": false, "reverse_sort": false, "star_first": false, "git_ignore": {}, "format_error": "{error}: {message}", "format_success": "{success}: {message}", "sort_order": "natural" } ```
`pyproject.toml`: ```toml [tool.isort] profile = "black" multi_line_output = 3 line_length = 100 extend_skip = [ "other_project", ] skip_gitignore = true ```

Originally posted by @pums974 in

timothycrosley commented 3 years ago

Hi @pums974,

Thanks for splitting up a separate issue! From my own testing here it appears that this is an aesthetic issue only? And it still works (minus the extra output of fatal: Pathspec '/some/path/other_project/' is in submodule 'other_project) can you confirm if that is correct or not?

I'm trying to think about the best way to handle this, and I think that distinction is likely very important, because if it's only that it is producing extra command line output, the best thing may be to simply silent that output within isort. While I understand what you expect to happen, because of how this is currently enabled, it simply can't take into account your other skips. To be performant the skip git ignore is running separately against your code base from the other ignores, and collecting the list of files and paths to ignore all at once from git's perspective. Then as it decides one file at a time to process or skip, it does fully take into account any skips you have set up, and will still skip files correctly.

pums974 commented 3 years ago


I suppose you are right, it does it's job correctly. But it is very slow.

with skip_gitignore = false (and venv in extend_skip):

$> time isort .
Skipped 5 files
isort .  0,52s user 0,08s system 99% cpu 0,601 total

with skip_gitignore = true (and venv still in extend_skip):

$> time isort .
fatal: Pathspec '/some/path/other_project/' is in submodule 'other_project'
fatal: Pathspec '/some/path/other_project/' is in submodule 'other_project'
fatal: Pathspec '/some/path/other_project/' is in submodule 'other_project'
fatal: Pathspec '/some/path/other_project/' is in submodule 'other_project'
fatal: Pathspec '/some/path/other_project/' is in submodule 'other_project'
... (**a lot** of repetition of this line)
Skipped 5 files
isort .  502,69s user 240,89s system 135% cpu 9:09,91 total
RobbieClarken commented 3 years ago

I ran into this when upgrading from isort 5.8.0 to 5.9.2. isort became very slow, taking over 10 minutes to complete with skip_gitignore = true vs a few seconds with skip_gitignore = false.

From my own testing here it appears that this is an aesthetic issue only? And it still works (minus the extra output of fatal: Pathspec '/some/path/other_project/' is in submodule 'other_project) can you confirm if that is correct or not?

@timothycrosley Unfortunately it is more than aesthetic since it prevents --skip-gitignore from actually skipping the paths in .gitignore:

$ git init demo
$ cd demo
$ touch
$ echo > .gitignore
$ isort --vn

# without a submodule present isort correctly skips since it is in .gitignore
$ isort --show-files --skip-gitignore .

# with a submodule present isort incorrectly checks despite it being in .gitignore
$ git submodule add  # could be any repo
$ isort --show-files --skip-gitignore .
fatal: Pathspec '/Users/robbie/demo/meta/LICENSE' is in submodule 'meta'
fatal: Pathspec '/Users/robbie/demo/meta/LICENSE' is in submodule 'meta'
fatal: Pathspec '/Users/robbie/demo/meta/LICENSE' is in submodule 'meta'
./   # <--------- this shouldn't appear here since it is in .gitignore

In v5.8.0 isort would correctly skip with or without a submodule present.

pums974 commented 3 years ago

Seems fixed indeed.

Thanks !