PyCQA / modernize

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Use @six.add_metaclass() decorator instead of six.with_metaclass()? #153

Open hroncok opened 7 years ago

hroncok commented 7 years ago

Currently the fix_metaclass fixer uses six.with_metaclass:

class Foo(Bar):
    __metaclass__ = Meta


import six
class Foo(six.with_metaclass(Meta, Bar)):

I believe the @six.add_metaclass() decorator is more readable and the fixer might change it to this instead:

import six
class Foo(Bar):

However this may have unwanted side effects (read more about them in the pull request introducing the decorator). What do you think?

(I'm willing to work on this and send a PR, but I want to have a consensus here first not to write code that will end up discarded.)