PyDataPune / Talks

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Safeguarding Machine Learning #34

Open adversarial-nik opened 4 years ago

adversarial-nik commented 4 years ago

As a security researcher, I would like to open a discussion to make Machine Learning practices secure over ubiquity. We will discuss "not so commonly known" vulnerabilities in machine learning applications with some demos and real world incidents. Also, the mitigation if any. Outline of talk -

The pipeline AKA attack surface:

Adversarial Learning Attacks:

Model stealing Attack:

Data poisoning and Model Skewing attacks:

Model Inversion:

This will be a 45-50 minutes presentation.


mayankskb commented 4 years ago


We would like to have your talk on Jan 18, 2020. Please confirm your availability for the same.

Thanks Mayank Mishra

adversarial-nik commented 4 years ago

Hey Mayank, I will be available on 18th Jan. May I know how much time will be allocated for this talk so that I can think about delivering demos.

mayankskb commented 4 years ago


As we had your lightning talk in January, Can we move with this talk proposal for April meetup. Mostly that will be a virtual session via slack or youtube live.

Please let me know your availability for April 11, 2020.

Thanks Mayank Mishra

adversarial-nik commented 4 years ago

Sure Mayank,

I will be available on 11th April for live session.

mayankskb commented 3 years ago


Please let us know if we can have your talk for August 15, virtual session.

Thanks Mayank Mishra

adversarial-nik commented 3 years ago

Hi Mayank,

Not sure at what time you are planning for the virtual session. But I will be available after 3PM on 15th August.

mayankskb commented 3 years ago

Well we are planning to keep it for 7pm. Lets us know if this suits to you.

adversarial-nik commented 3 years ago

sure, lets do it.

mayankskb commented 3 years ago

Ok and any changes to the theme and line up that you have mentioned in the description or to the title.. If there is any please let me know.

Also if you can send me a headshot for flyer at mayank1996[dot]skb[at]gmail[dot]com

mayankskb commented 3 years ago

Accepting it for August 15, 7pm youtube live event