The most recent version of pyverilog (commit 2a42539) does not support parsing function definitions where a port list is provided, like the following example:
module TOP(CLK, RST_X);
input CLK;
input RST_X;
reg [3:0] cnt;
function [3:0] inc(input [3:0] in); // <-- The input port is declared here, instead of on a separate line.
if(&inc) begin
inc = 0;
end else begin
inc = in + 1;
always @(posedge CLK or negedge RST_X) begin
if(!RST_X) begin
cnt <= 0;
end else begin
cnt <= inc(cnt);
Running the dataflow analyzer raises this error message: pyverilog.vparser.parser.ParseError: line:3: before: "("
I have a PR ready that adds support for this (will link here after I make it), as well as a minimal test case.
The most recent version of pyverilog (commit
) does not support parsing function definitions where a port list is provided, like the following example:Running the dataflow analyzer raises this error message:
pyverilog.vparser.parser.ParseError: line:3: before: "("
I have a PR ready that adds support for this (will link here after I make it), as well as a minimal test case.