PyImageSearch / imutils

A series of convenience functions to make basic image processing operations such as translation, rotation, resizing, skeletonization, and displaying Matplotlib images easier with OpenCV and Python.
MIT License
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not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 0) #199

Open DeepakRajpurohit04 opened 4 years ago

DeepakRajpurohit04 commented 4 years ago

I'm getting this error in 3rd line "apl=[],aex=[],ame=[],asg=[],ab=[];"

def main(): global n,i,e,b,sg,pl apl=[],aex=[],ame=[],asg=[],ab=[]; ////error here print("month employee bike saving") n,e,b,sg=input().split() for i in range(n): earning(i,b); expenses(i,b,e); pl=(earning(i,b)-expenses(i,b,e)) apl.append[pl] if i>1: apl[i]=apl[i]+apl[i+1] ame.append[earning(i,b)] aex.append[expenses(i,b,e)] asg.append[saving(i,b,sg)] ab.append[bike(i,b,sg)] print("month saving bike expenses earning profit/loss") print(n,asg[i],ab[i],aex[i],ame[i],apl[i]) b=bike(i,b,sg) sg=saving(i,b,sg)
