A series of convenience functions to make basic image processing operations such as translation, rotation, resizing, skeletonization, and displaying Matplotlib images easier with OpenCV and Python.
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feature request: convenience utility for compositing differently sized image into another #212
This is not a bug, but a feature request.
In most graphics packages, it's simple to composite one image into another with some alpha value, even if
the images are different sizes. But OpenCV/numpy is very unforgiving , so addWeighted requires exact same image
sizes to be used as the two arguments.
Could you add a utility that works like cv2.addWeighted, but takes an offset to the second image by, and takes care of
clipping and bounds checking, etc?
This is not a bug, but a feature request. In most graphics packages, it's simple to composite one image into another with some alpha value, even if the images are different sizes. But OpenCV/numpy is very unforgiving , so addWeighted requires exact same image sizes to be used as the two arguments.
Could you add a utility that works like cv2.addWeighted, but takes an offset to the second image by, and takes care of clipping and bounds checking, etc?
e.g, Python: cv2.betterAddWeighted(src1, alpha, src2, beta, xoffset, yoffset, gamma[, dst[, dtype]]) → dst¶
So it composites src2, offset by (xoffset,yoffset), even if src2 is different shape than src1, and clips where it exceeds the bounds of src1.
I see people rolling their own solutions for this over and over, e.g., https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48979219/cv2-composting-2-images-of-differing-size