Python package to read and write instances for the flexible job shop problem.
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Benchmark instances #4

Open leonlan opened 1 year ago

leonlan commented 1 year ago


New instances (?)

Da Col, G., & Teppan, E. C. (2022). Industrial-size job shop scheduling with constraint programming. Operations Research Perspectives, 9, 100249.

  • [ ] Job shop instances

Dauzère-Pérès, S., Ding, J., Shen, L., & Tamssaouet, K. (2023). The flexible job shop scheduling problem: A review. European Journal of Operational Research.

contains an overview of benchmark instances.

There are several sets of FJSP benchmark instances that are widely used in the literature: 34 BRdata (Brandimarte, 1993), HUdata (Hurink et al., 1994), BCdata (Barnes and Chambers, 35 1996), DPdata (Dauzere-P ́eres and Paulli, 1997), DMUdata (Demirkol et al., 1998), KCdata 36 (Kacem et al., 2002a), Fdata (Fattahi et al., 2007), DAdata (Birgin et al., 2015), as well as 37 Ydata (Birgin et al., 2015), leading to a total of 467 instances of different sizes and with 38 different flexibility levels.

Test Instances for the Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Work Centers Dennis Behnke1,∗ and Martin Josef Geiger1

also contains a benchmark set.

Lunadi 2020: online color printing instances

Naderi, B., & Roshanaei, V. (2022). Critical-Path-Search Logic-Based Benders Decomposition Approaches for Flexible Job Shop Scheduling. INFORMS Journal on Optimization, 4(1), 1–28.

Morais, R., Bulhões, T., & Subramanian, A. (2023). Exact and heuristic algorithms for minimizing the makespan on a single machine scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times and release dates. European Journal of Operational Research.

leonlan commented 1 year ago

The paper

Da Col, G., & Teppan, E. C. (2022). Industrial-size job shop scheduling with constraint programming. Operations Research Perspectives, 9, 100249.

introduces a benchmark set.

leonlan commented 1 year ago

Dauzère-Pérès, S., Ding, J., Shen, L., & Tamssaouet, K. (2023). The flexible job shop scheduling problem: A review. European Journal of Operational Research.

contains an overview of benchmark instances.

leonlan commented 9 months ago

Currently parsing the instances from

Cool, everything works. Most instances are too simple and solved optimally within less than one minute. That's not interesting. But there are a lot of new instances that we should add:

leonlan commented 9 months ago

There are some more FJSP with assembly instances here:

Kasapidis, G. A., Dauzère-Pérès, S., Paraskevopoulos, D. C., Repoussis, P. P., & Tarantilis, C. D. (2023). On the multiresource flexible job-shop scheduling problem with arbitrary precedence graphs. Production and Operations Management, 32(7), 2322–2330.

Kasapidis, G. A., Paraskevopoulos, D. C., Repoussis, P. P., & Tarantilis, C. D. (2021). Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problems with Arbitrary Precedence Graphs. Production and Operations Management, 30(11), 4044–4068.

leonlan commented 9 months ago

Berterottière, L., Dauzère-Pérès, S., & Yugma, C. (2024). Flexible job-shop scheduling with transportation resources. European Journal of Operational Research, 312(3), 890–909.

leonlan commented 9 months ago
leonlan commented 3 months ago lots of instances here

leonlan commented 1 month ago here too

leonlan commented 3 days ago

relevant for PSPLIB

leonlan commented 2 days ago