PyLadiesBerlin / community-organisation

A repository to track event related tasks. Docs for organisers are hosted with GitHub pages.
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[EVENT] Jupyter Hack Night #10

Closed marimeireles closed 10 months ago

marimeireles commented 1 year ago

Hi all, Tracking our organization of the Hack Night event here on GH.

The event is mainly being organized by @discombobulateme. The current idea is to have a hybrid event so @willingc would be able to join us online. @hbcarlos and I would be present IRL in Berlin.

The event lasts 2h we'd need all the mentors to be available during this time. It'd be nice to select a few beginners bugs in Jupyter related repositories to prepare ourselves. A good first bug is a bug that has a clear outline of what has to be done, the public for this event might vary in experience but it's always difficult to acclimatize yourself to a new project, so I guess it's good if the issues are thoroughly explained.

I was thinking we could have issues both in the main Jupyter repo and also in the expanded universe (widgets, xeus kernels, etc). Let me know if you have any different ideas for this event, happy to hear them and incorporate them.

@discombobulateme can you please give us an idea of the times that would work for our current event venues?

Cheers everyone, thanks for offering to help!

hbcarlos commented 1 year ago

discombobulateme commented 1 year ago

THANK YOU all for putting so much together and sharing with our lovely community <3 uffff its so hard to gather this knowledge and condense into a few minutes o_O

As we were trying the hybrid version, the presentation part was recorded. I added to our PyLadies channel in case you would like to use it somewhere :)

sleepypioneer commented 11 months ago

Are you ok with me calling this issue done? @marimeireles @discombobulateme

marimeireles commented 10 months ago

Closing this as done yaaay thank you people it was a pleasure :)