Added chapter name as a label and requested amount in title
[X] confirm
Name of person submitting request
Amount in EURs being requested
Reason for request
On behalf of PyLadies Munich, we would like to request this for our upcoming event (15.11.2024, meetup) to cover for decoration, drinks and raffle for the event participants, such as educational resources.
[x] Approval 1: @laysauchoa
[x] Approval 2: @terezaif
After full amount spent
[ ] Add the label invoice_submitted and `request_complete`` to this issue
[ ] Once all invoices have been paid, add the label invoice_paid to this issue & move the ticket to completed requests
Chapter Name
PyLadies Munich
Added chapter name as a label and requested amount in title
Name of person submitting request
Amount in EURs being requested
Reason for request
On behalf of PyLadies Munich, we would like to request this for our upcoming event (15.11.2024, meetup) to cover for decoration, drinks and raffle for the event participants, such as educational resources.
After full amount spent
and `request_complete`` to this issueinvoice_paid
to this issue & move the ticket to completed requestsAdditional Information
No response