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PyLops – A Linear-Operator Library for Python
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Feature: improve memory handling in Kirchhoff operator #494

Closed mrava87 closed 1 year ago

mrava87 commented 1 year ago


This PR is mainly aimed at improving the memory efficiency of the Kirchhoff operator.

In the current implementation, we create an overall trav table (similar for amp in dynamic=True mode) of size nynxnz x nsnr. Assuming ns=nr this scales quadratically with the ns.

In the new implementation, we handle source and receiver tables independently (trav_srcs and trav_recs) and not merge them into a unique table. Assuming ns=nr this scales linearly with the ns.


The following changes are introduced:

Performance tests

I run the following two performance tests using this code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy as sp

from pylops.utils.wavelets import *
from pylops.waveeqprocessing.kirchhoff import Kirchhoff

## 2D layered in homogenous velocity

# Velocity Model
nx, nz = 301, 100
dx, dz = 4, 4
x, z = np.arange(nx)*dx, np.arange(nz)*dz
v0 = 1000 # initial velocity
kv = 0. # gradient
vel = np.outer(np.ones(nx), v0 +kv*z) 

# Reflectivity Model
refl = np.zeros((nx, nz))
#refl[nx//2, 50] = -1
refl[:, 10] = -1
refl[:, -10] = 0.5

# Receivers
nr = 101
rx = np.linspace(10*dx, (nx-10)*dx, nr)
rz = 20*np.ones(nr)
recs = np.vstack((rx, rz))
dr = recs[0,1]-recs[0,0]

# Sources
ns = 30
sx = np.linspace(dx*10, (nx-10)*dx, ns)
sz = 10*np.ones(ns)
sources = np.vstack((sx, sz))

# Model data and invert it
nt = 651
dt = 0.004
t = np.arange(nt)*dt
wav, wavt, wavc = ricker(t[:41], f0=20)

kop = Kirchhoff(z, x, t, sources, recs, v0, wav, wavc, mode='analytic', engine='numba')

d = kop * refl.ravel()
d = d.reshape(ns, nr, nt)

madj = kop.H * d.ravel()
madj = madj.reshape(nx, nz)


and equivalent code with old version of Kirchoff.