PyO3 / pyo3

Rust bindings for the Python interpreter
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Logo #3109

Open davidhewitt opened 1 year ago

davidhewitt commented 1 year ago

I was just thinking the other day that it could be nice to have a proper logo created for PyO3!

If other maintainers also agree, then the only question is... what should it be? Ideas welcome :)

adamreichold commented 1 year ago

In keeping with Rust's bicycle theme, maybe a python riding a bicycle with Rust logo gears? Sounds a bit complicated for a logo though...

(It would need to be a racing bicycle because we make Python code faster, and the python would need to wear a helmet because we also make writing extensions safe.)

kngwyu commented 1 year ago

Sorry for my bad drawing but here's a quick sketch 😅 pyo3logosketch

wiwichips commented 1 year ago


What do yall think of this general design? It kind of looks like a P , but you can also see the "O" . And it uses the colours from Ferris and Pythons

Happy to make any changes or upload SVG versions etc

davidhewitt commented 1 year ago

I like the simplicity and the idea to use the colours (numpy uses the Python colours in a Rubik's cube, which is a cool logo IMO)! Maybe it's just me, my brain keeps wanting to read the proposal above as "D3" (maybe just because I've used that project in the past).

I agree the whole bike logo is a bit complex, though I like the theme too. What about having a snake coiling around a "Rust" bike chainring (which looks a bit like an "O") with a 3 somewhere?

Below are some awful mockups by crudely merging the Python and Rust logos (I think in practice this is not permissible for trademark reasons, though maybe someone with more artistic talent than me will be inspired by this to make something unique).

pyo3 logo mockup

pyo3 logo mockup 2

davidhewitt commented 1 year ago

The "O3" could maybe also be done by having three bicycle gears (plus a snake or two?), instead of needing the number 3 to appear somewhere.

orhun commented 9 months ago

Here are some AI-generated logos for inspiration ✨


logo flat icon that says "PyO3", mix of Rustlang gears and Python logo, very detailed, 3D, vector


logo flat icon that says "PyO3", mix of Rustlang gears and Python logo BUT NOT QUITE LIKE THAT, very detailed, 3D, vector

somethingelseentirely commented 5 days ago

Figured I'd also give it a shot, might be a better mascot than a logo though: Meet Pyotr the snake.

In a more ferris like variant:


Or in a more snakey variant:


And a slightly more noisy but also more interesting variant with patterned scales: pyo3logoscales