PyPSA / pypsa-eur

PyPSA-Eur: A Sector-Coupled Open Optimisation Model of the European Energy System
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Gas turbines with carbon capture? #1084

Open koen-vg opened 1 month ago

koen-vg commented 1 month ago

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I am correct that the current sector-coupled version of the model actually doesn't have any support for gas turbines (open- or combined cycle) with carbon capture? (Or oil powerplants for that matter.) It seems like an obvious technology to add, along the lines of the existing coal_cc option.

Unless these is anything obvious I missed, I'd be happy to quickly add an option for this.

Maybe one question, configuration-wise, is how to organise all this conventional generation. It's arguably already a bit messy to have both the conventional_generation and coal_cc options in the sector: config. I would consider removing the coal_cc option and rather add some functionality to add_generation to parse whether each carrier ends in _cc. Then you could have (including as many technologies as possible):

  coal: coal
  coal_cc: coal
  lignite: lignite
  lignite_cc: lignite
  OCGT: gas
  OCGT_cc: gas
  CCGT: gas
  CCGT_cc: gas
  oil: oil
  oil_cc: oil
  nuclear: uranium

For the variants with carbon capture one could use costs, efficiencies, etc. from biomass CHP capture or cement capture parameters; both are used in prepare_sector_network but also they are almost identical.

koen-vg commented 1 month ago

Ah, of course what I missed is the Allam cycle powerplants. Does it make sense to have both the option for those and gas turbines with ~90% capture rate? I'm honestly not very well-versed in the status of either technology (costs, technological readiness, etc.). It seems like Allam cycle power plants are, in a rather ad-hoc way, assumed to be about 3 times more expensive than OCGTs without CC, so it could be worth it having both in order to explore trade-offs in (capture) efficiency and capital cost?

I guess one might argue that oil power plants with carbon capture are quite unlikely to be used in practice (with oil simply being about twice as expensive as gas), so it's debatable whether it's worth it including this. Just thought it was interesting to bring up the option.

(P.S. having easily missed the Allam cycle power plants seems to be a case in point that the conventional_generation section + two independent options (coal_cc and allam_cycle) already has the potential to confuse, though I guess Allam cycle power plants can't really be called conventional by them selved; they only use conventional fuel.)