PySimpleGUI / PySimpleGUI

Python GUIs for Humans! PySimpleGUI is the top-rated Python application development environment. Launched in 2018 and actively developed, maintained, and supported in 2024. Transforms tkinter, Qt, WxPython, and Remi into a simple, intuitive, and fun experience for both hobbyists and expert users.
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[Question] adding elements by x,y location? #6787

Open ingdariogiacomelli opened 3 months ago

ingdariogiacomelli commented 3 months ago

Type of Issue (Enhancement, Error, Bug, Question)



Operating System

Windows version ('10', '10.0.19041', 'SP0', 'Multiprocessor Free')

PySimpleGUI Port (tkinter, Qt, Wx, Web)



Python version (sg.sys.version)

3.10.0 (tags/v3.10.0:b494f59, Oct 4 2021, 18:46:30) [MSC v.1929 32 bit (Intel)]

PySimpleGUI Version (sg.__version__)


GUI Version (tkinter (sg.tclversion_detailed), PySide2, WxPython, Remi)


Your Experience In Months or Years (optional)

Years Python programming experience Years Programming experience overall No Have used another Python GUI Framework? (tkinter, Qt, etc) (yes/no is fine)


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Detailed Description

Hey, what about to have a way to put a sg.Frame() not encapsulated in the normal layout, but defined by its x, y location? maybe at runtime : I click a button and the frame appears magically ad x,y coordinates of the screen.

But obviously it should still remain valid the accessibility by window['-my-frame-'].... and values['-my-frame-'] ...

It's only a question. It is difficult to add this features? maybe sg.window( ... , layout , ... , xy_layout=my_other_layout , ... ) ? and clicking the button , I will set window['-my-frame-'].update(visible=True) ... and uala! :-D sometimes, having an alternative way of put a frame into the windows regardless ot actual composition of layout, should be useful...

Many thanks for attention!

Code To Duplicate

# Paste your code here

Screenshot, Sketch, or Drawing

jason990420 commented 3 months ago

IMO, it will be much complex and difficult to add elements to location (x, y) for the layout structure in PySimpleGUI.

What I can do now is to provide tkinter methods as workaround for your question, but no comment about it.

Example Code

import PySimpleGUI as sg

sg.set_options(font=("Courier New", 16))
layout = [
    [sg.Text("\nWhat's your name?\n", expand_x=True, pad=(0, 0), key="Question")],
    [sg.Push(), sg.Button('Ok'), sg.Button('Cancel')],
window = sg.Window('Hello Example', layout, margins=(0, 0), finalize=True)

root = window.TKroot
x0, y0 = window.current_size_accurate()
base64_image = sg.EMOJI_BASE64_GUESS
image =
icon =, text="Widget", image=image,, bg=sg.theme_background_color(), fg="white"), y=0,

window.bind("<Button-1>", "Click")
no_action = list(map(lambda x:window[x].widget, ["Answer", "Ok", "Cancel"]))

while True:

    event, values =

    if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Cancel':

    elif event == "Click":
        e = window.user_bind_event
        widget = e.widget
        if widget in no_action:
        x = e.x_root - root.winfo_rootx()
        y = e.y_root - root.winfo_rooty(), y=y,


image image image

You can also refer

PySimpleGUI commented 2 months ago

Yea, this one isn't something I'm interesting in adding to the PySimpleGUI SDK. It's a step too far outside the overall design direction. As Jason's shown, it's possible with tkinter calls. X,Y positioning and using other Element placement designs is a step away from the "Simple" part of PySimpleGUI just a tad.