PySlither / Slither

A Python module for bridging Scratch and Python
MIT License
14 stars 6 forks source link

Release v0.2 #44

Closed BookOwl closed 8 years ago

BookOwl commented 8 years ago

Since #9 was (finally!) fixed, I think that we should make a version 0.2 release.

BookOwl commented 8 years ago

Tymewalk said that when #36 was finished, we'll release version 0.2

Tymewalk commented 8 years ago

So since #36 is done, can anyone else think of anything that should be done before v0.2?

BookOwl commented 8 years ago

We should update the examples to the new API and put them in the slither package.

Tymewalk commented 8 years ago

That's right, I forgot about #32.

Tymewalk commented 8 years ago

Side note - if we really wanted, we could include examples in an 0.2.1 release.

BookOwl commented 8 years ago

OK, lets just get #36 done and then release version 0.2

Tymewalk commented 8 years ago

36 is done, and while doing that I checked and didn't find any other problems.

So we're ready to release?

BookOwl commented 8 years ago

I think so!

Tymewalk commented 8 years ago

Sounds good! I'll build and upload it to PyPi.

BookOwl commented 8 years ago

I'll make the Github release

BookOwl commented 8 years ago

Since 0.2 has been released, closing