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raise KeyError(name) KeyError: '1N4148' (libraries wont load) #171

Open alejandrobarredo opened 4 years ago

alejandrobarredo commented 4 years ago

Environment (OS, Python version, PySpice version, simulator)

Windows 10 Python 3.6.7 Pyspice 1.3.2

Expected Behaviour

Load the diode and run the analysis

Actual Behaviour

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/109459/Documents/TransistorNN/", line 22, in circuit.include(spice_library['1N4148']) File "C:\Users\109459\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\envs\SHAP\lib\site-packages\PySpice\Spice\", line 107, in getitem raise KeyError(name) KeyError: '1N4148'

Steps to reproduce the behaviour

import re import numpy as np import time import warnings import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from PySpice.Doc.ExampleTools import find_libraries from PySpice.Probe.Plot import plot from PySpice.Spice.Library import SpiceLibrary from PySpice.Spice.Netlist import Circuit from PySpice.Physics.SemiConductor import ShockleyDiode import sys from PySpice.Unit import * import absl.logging logging.root.removeHandler(absl.logging._absl_handler) absl.logging._warn_preinit_stderr = False

libraries_path = find_libraries() spice_library = SpiceLibrary(libraries_path)

circuit = Circuit('Diode Characteristic Curve')


circuit.V('input', 'in', circuit.gnd, 10@u_V) circuit.R(1, 'in', 'out', 1@u_Ω) # not required for simulation circuit.X('D1', '1N4148', 'out', circuit.gnd)

analyses = {}

simulator = circuit.simulator(temperature=25, nominal_temperature=25) analysis = simulator.dc(Vinput=slice(-2, 5, .01))

alejandrobarredo commented 4 years ago

libraries_path gets the value 'C:\Users\109459\Documents\libraries'. Even if I hardcode the folder with ngspice libraries like libraries_path = os.path.join('C:/Spice64/bin-dll/ngspice.lib')

Ricky-PV commented 4 years ago

Same problem for me (Windows 10, python 3.6.9, pyspice 1.3.2) . I tried to follow the instructions in the FAQ on setting the NGspice library path but the following is returned

``import PySpice

PySpice.Spice.NgSpice.Shared.NgSpiceShared.LIBRARY_PATH Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 1, in PySpice.Spice.NgSpice.Shared.NgSpiceShared.LIBRARY_PATH

AttributeError: module 'PySpice.Spice' has no attribute 'NgSpice' ``

Any idea what is wrong with my installation?

oberron commented 3 years ago

Same problem for me (Google colab, python 3.6, pyspice 1.4.3).

following the tutorial 8.4.2. Diode Characteristic Curve i get the same error message

<ipython-input-3-c7852ea96bd4> in <module>()
      1 circuit = Circuit('Diode Characteristic Curve')
----> 3 circuit.include(spice_library['1N4148'])
      5 circuit.V('input', 'in', circuit.gnd, 10@u_V)

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/PySpice/Spice/ in __getitem__(self, name)
    105             # print('Library {} not found in {}'.format(name, self._directory))
    106             # self._logger.warn('Library {} not found in {}'.format(name, self._directory))
--> 107             raise KeyError(name)
    109     ##############################################

KeyError: '1N4148'

any links to help resolve this?

chr1s1s1 commented 3 years ago

Hello, I have exactly the same problem/setup as @oberron . Any tips or guidance gratefully received!

oberron commented 3 years ago

@chr1s1s1 , I could resolve this by adding following in the .py

PySpice_examples_path = "./drive/My Drive/pySpice/examples"
libraries_path = join(PySpice_examples_path, 'libraries')

then creating manually under the PySpice_examples_path, following folder structure (with the 1N1418 being available at :

libraries |----diodes |-----Switching |-------1N1418.lib

specdrake commented 3 years ago

@chr1s1s1 , I could resolve this by adding following in the .py

PySpice_examples_path = "./drive/My Drive/pySpice/examples"
libraries_path = join(PySpice_examples_path, 'libraries')

then creating manually under the PySpice_examples_path, following folder structure (with the 1N1418 being available at :

libraries |----diodes |-----Switching |-------1N1418.lib

@oberron Sorry but the link isn't working(even after correcting PySpic to PySpice)

PravinSabariBala commented 1 year ago

have resolved this issue , if yes could you tell how you resolved?

sclaramunt commented 1 year ago

I just ran into this problem but with the nmos transistor example. In my case, I am using anaconda. Using the code from the example, the path was configured at c:\users\user\anaconda3\lib\libraries, but the folder "libraries" did not existed and the execution of the code returned the error comented. The issue was solved by copying the library folder from the github repository to its corresponding place, as suggested by specdrake. Thanks!