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Python in Technical Acoustics and Vibration
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Quantities that it could be measured with Pytta #33

Open labodezao opened 3 years ago

labodezao commented 3 years ago

Hi Here, I was wondering what is possibkle to measure with Pytta and what it is not :

Measuring the transient of a system with step sine or step excitation signal,

Measure the Quality factor, or sustension factor, Plotting the enveloppe of the time signals to do transient analysis, (I have found already a python script for that)

From the enveloppe : Measure the settling time or response time of the system, Finding the slope of the transient enveloppe, Bifuraction analysis : measuring Self sustained oscillation threshold, self sustained oscillation hysteresis, multiple bifuractions states, ...

Plot the signals in phase plane ( easy to implement when you have position or acceleration) -> plot Pos vs velocity / plot Velocity vs Acceleration and plot Acc / Pos

Evaluate the inharmonicity of signal,

Modal extraction exctaction of signal.

This are open questions, and even if I am new in python, I could try to developp this

Chum4k3r commented 3 years ago

These are all awesome ideas!

We would really appreciate such contribution. Maybe a PR of how you would implement one of those, so we can fine tune together the implementation.

Let's see what the folk here says :D

mtslazarin commented 3 years ago

The toolbox has enough room to integrate the suggestions. Btw, great ideas! I think a module with those functionalities would do the job (e.g. pytta.iso3741 or pytta.rooms). Everything could be based on SignalObjs, which could store even the envelope, and the module could do calculations based on that. Please, submit a pull request.