Python package to read and write vehicle routing problem instances.
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Documentation #105

Open leonlan opened 11 months ago

leonlan commented 11 months ago



PyVRP is increasingly relying on VRPLIB and we are planning to extend the VRPLIB instance to support more VRP variants. I think it’s a good moment start making a proper docs to facilitate this process.

leonlan commented 9 months ago

The primary difficulty that I'm facing in defining a standard for VRPLIB is how to incorporate the pickup and delivery VRP variants. I haven't worked enough with these type of problems to know what kind of format would make sense, specifically how we generalize locations/clients to these settings.

I know that LKH did some stuff with this. I should study these examples in more detail (see

3 9 30 33 49 54 66 77 82 85 90 -1

BACKHAUL_SECTION : This section is used for specifying VRPB instances. It contains a list of backhaul nodes. This section is terminated by a -1.


In pickup and delivery, we are dealing with requests.

I'm not sure why it includes demand/time window/service time data.

leonlan commented 9 months ago

Another way to go about this:

leonlan commented 9 months ago

leonlan commented 5 months ago