PyWavelets / pywt

PyWavelets - Wavelet Transforms in Python
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CI: use a GitHub Action to set up MSVC for wheel builds #670

Closed rgommers closed 1 year ago

rgommers commented 1 year ago

Tested on my own fork already, and that passed and compilers were picked up correctly.

@grlee77 I borrowed the old code from scikit-image (here), maybe you want to update it there?

grlee77 commented 1 year ago

Thanks, apparently the failures here are because codecov was removed from PyPI:

rgommers commented 1 year ago

Ah didn't realize that. Glad it didn't turn into an actual security issue. Just removed Codecov in the second commit - we don't really need it and they can't really be trusted, so I'd rather not switch to the Bash uploader.

rgommers commented 1 year ago

I'll go ahead and merge this - I like how clean the Meson build stuff is and am referring to it from other packages.