PyWiFeS / pipeline

The Python data reduction pipeline for WiFeS
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Draft of multiprocessing work. #57

Open bmiszalski opened 2 months ago

bmiszalski commented 2 months ago

The base code here was sourced from Tim Davies' branch tdv-PR44-fixed-merge-conflict. I've made this PR so the code may be inspected / reviewed.

I've added the following:

This allows the sample dataset classical_20230922 to be reduced in ~5 min on a fast multicore machine.


bmiszalski commented 2 months ago

I've updated the branch with the following added:

Sample output:

> python3 . --reduce-both
Processing data in directory: /code/WiFeS/classical_20230922/
Running blue/run_overscan_sub (1/23)
Running red/run_overscan_sub (1/26)
Running red/run_bpm_repair (2/26)
Running blue/run_bpm_repair (2/23)
Running red/run_superbias (3/26)
Running blue/run_superbias (3/23)
Running red/run_bias_sub (4/26)
Running blue/run_bias_sub (4/23)
Running red/run_superflat (5/26)
Running blue/run_superflat (5/23)
Running red/run_superflat (6/26)
Running red/run_slitlet_profile (7/26)
Running red/run_flat_cleanup (8/26)
Running blue/run_superflat (6/23)
Running red/run_superflat_mef (9/26)
Running blue/run_slitlet_profile (7/23)
Running blue/run_flat_cleanup (8/23)
Running blue/run_superflat_mef (9/23)
Running red/run_superflat_mef (10/26)
Running red/run_slitlet_mef (11/26)
Running blue/run_superflat_mef (10/23)
Running red/run_wave_soln (12/26)
Running blue/run_slitlet_mef (11/23)
Running blue/run_wave_soln (12/23)
Running red/run_wire_soln (13/26)
Running red/run_flat_response (14/26)
Running red/run_cosmic_rays (15/26)
Running red/run_sky_sub (16/26)
Running red/run_obs_coadd (17/26)
Running blue/run_wire_soln (13/23)
Running blue/run_flat_response (14/23)
Running blue/run_cosmic_rays (15/23)
Running red/run_flatfield (18/26)
Running red/run_cube_gen (19/26)
Running blue/run_sky_sub (16/23)
Running blue/run_obs_coadd (17/23)
Running blue/run_flatfield (18/23)
Running blue/run_cube_gen (19/23)
Running red/run_extract_stars (20/26)
Running red/run_derive_calib (21/26)
Running red/run_flux_calib (22/26)
Running red/run_extract_stars (23/26)
Running red/run_derive_telluric (24/26)
Running red/run_telluric_corr (25/26)
Running red/run_save_3dcube (26/26)
Running blue/run_extract_stars (20/23)
Running blue/run_derive_calib (21/23)
Running blue/run_flux_calib (22/23)
Running blue/run_save_3dcube (23/23)
Saving extracted spectra for OBK-525056-WiFeS-Blue-UT20230922T121452-0.cube.fits
Saving extracted spectra for OBK-525056-WiFeS-Red--UT20230922T122551-3.cube.fits
All done in 325.7 seconds.
timothyfrankdavies commented 1 month ago

As @CMartinezLombilla shared via email, this seems to be forked from an Oct 2021 commit of pywifes: 7e0c34dcf73b63fb6a2779998c92d22e16f4eed2

Have you definitely used the correct branch?

If so, to fix it, and seeing as you've got a fork, you'll need to fetch latest from the original repo (maybe named upstream or origin), and then merge the automation branch:

git fetch upstream
git merge origin/automation

That gives a number of merge conflicts. I'll have a quick try at it myself in another branch, I'll let you know how I go.


I haven't thoroughly looked through or, but it looks like your version actually was up to date, the merge history just didn't carry over.

So the merge conflicts can be resolved by accepting all of your changes, and then reviewing the result.

I'll give it a try myself, but I might not have permissions to update the branch on your fork. If so, I'll make my own branch & PR just so I can start the review.

2nd Update

My mistake, you were up to date with tdv-PR44-fixed-merge-conflict, which doesn't have the 10th May commit to the automation branch.

I'll get that fixed in

timothyfrankdavies commented 1 month ago

Started a review over in, @bmiszalski . I don't think I can tag/ping you there as you're not listed as a developer in pywifes. I'll add more on Monday.