PyWorkflowApp / visual-programming

A Python Visual Programming Workspace for Data Science
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React after build nodes/ global/ API issue #104

Open dhananjay-ranium opened 2 years ago

dhananjay-ranium commented 2 years ago


I came across an error on visual programming frontend and backend when we build react application and serve that.

I've tried to run the frontend app with npm start and It loads all flow variable and node menus without any issues, but when I build the frontend application It doesn't load any flow variables and node menu (attached screenshot).

Now, I can see workflow/new got called but not /nodes/ and /global/ and it gives error on the console like

SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0

I guess it's the JSON that is not returning in a proper format in those global and nodes API. But when I check it with the Postman with the correct body, It runs perfectly without any error.

Does anyone facing the same issue? Any help would be much appreciated.
