Summary of Feature:
I use pylightxl to manage excel and csv files in the same way, but I have found that the writexl and writecsv functions work differently on the filename.
In the writexl function I can indicate the file extension ('Test.xlsx') and the file on disk will be 'Test.xlsx', while in the witecsv function if I indicate the extension ('Test.csv') the file name on disk will be 'Test.csv_sheet1.csv'
My opinion is that the functions should behave the same way
In writexl i can write 'Test.xlsx' and the filename on disk became 'Test.xlsx'
xl.writexl(db=workbook, fn='Test.xlsx', ws='sheet1')
In writecsv ican write 'Test.csv' and the filename on disk became 'Test.csv_sheet1.csv'
xl.writecsv(db=workbook, fn='Test.csv', ws='sheet1', delimiter=';')
Suggestion for fix:
Use regular expression to delete the extension if it is present in the input parameter:
fn = re.sub(".csv$","",fn, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
Pylightxl Version: 1.61 Python Version: 3.9.2 Operative system: Linux Debian 11.7
Summary of Feature: I use pylightxl to manage excel and csv files in the same way, but I have found that the writexl and writecsv functions work differently on the filename. In the writexl function I can indicate the file extension ('Test.xlsx') and the file on disk will be 'Test.xlsx', while in the witecsv function if I indicate the extension ('Test.csv') the file name on disk will be 'Test.csv_sheet1.csv' My opinion is that the functions should behave the same way
NOTE: in the example at it is indicated to use
as the filenameTraceback: In writexl i can write 'Test.xlsx' and the filename on disk became 'Test.xlsx'
xl.writexl(db=workbook, fn='Test.xlsx', ws='sheet1')
In writecsv ican write 'Test.csv' and the filename on disk became 'Test.csv_sheet1.csv'xl.writecsv(db=workbook, fn='Test.csv', ws='sheet1', delimiter=';')
Suggestion for fix: Use regular expression to delete the extension if it is present in the input parameter:
fn = re.sub(".csv$","",fn, flags=re.IGNORECASE)