PygmalionAI / aphrodite-engine

PygmalionAI's large-scale inference engine
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[Feature]: Provide configuration via env vars or a configuration file #425

Open alexandreteles opened 3 weeks ago

alexandreteles commented 3 weeks ago

šŸš€ The feature, motivation and pitch

I realized I made a simple mistake after spending 30 minutes trying to figure out why the DTYPE environment variable wasn't working in Docker. The command line option is --dtype, so I thought I was doing something wrong. However, it turns out the correct environment variable name is DATATYPE in Docker, and I learned this the hard way by not checking the file earlier.

What is the best solution then? Ideally, each command line option would have a corresponding environment variable with a consistent name. Given that users can provide conflicting configurations through environment variables and command line options, the latter should take priority. Even better, we could manage all settings in a configuration file, which could be loaded either through a --config-file command line option or a CONFIG-FILE environment variable that specifies the file path.

Below is a proposed format for the configuration file:

    model: model_name_or_path
    tokenizer-mode: auto
    trust-remote-code: true
    download-dir: /path/to/large/volume
    dtype: auto
    tensor-parallel-size: 8
    kv-cache-dtype: fp8_e5m2
    chat-template: /path/to/my/template
        temperature: 1
        min_p: 0.1

Thank you!


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