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Japan, F-4EJ kai, Loadouts #2523

Open KC45jp opened 1 year ago

KC45jp commented 1 year ago

DB Selector


Affected DBID(s)

Aircraft 1194, 1996, 136

Summary of Changes

F-4EJ Kai (1979, ID 1194) Loadout

For General Use AIM-9P-3 instead of AIM-9J Use AIM-7E for sparrow

JM117, AN/ALQ-119 DECM Pod/ ,Short Range Copy Loadout ID 472, 499 from Iranian F-4E

Mk82, AN/ALQ-119 DECM Pod/ ,Short Range Copy Loadout ID 18783 and 18782

CBU-78/B GATOR, AN/ALQ-119 DECM Pod Copy Loadout ID 19023

Hydra 70mm Rockets, 6x LAU-3 Pod, ALQ-119 DECM, Maximum 2x AIM-7 1x ALQ-119 DECM 2x 370 USG Drop Tank 1x 600 USG Drop Tank 114x Hydra 70mm Rockets (Not Supersonic flight capable)

Hydra 70mm Rockets, 4x LAU-3 Pod, ALQ-119 DECM, Heavy Could copy from Loadout ID 19488 2x AIM-7 1x ALQ-119 DECM 2x 370 USG Drop Tank 1x 600 USG Drop Tank 114x Hydra 70mm Rocket 76x Hydra 70mm Rockets (Not Supersonic flight capable)

Hydra 70mm Rockets, 2x LAU-3 Pod, 2x RL-4 Pod, ALQ-119 DECM, Heavy 2x AIM-7 1x ALQ-119 DECM 2x 370 USG Drop Tank 1x 600 USG Drop Tank 114x Hydra 70mm Rocket 46x Hydra 70mm Rockets (Not Supersonic flight capable)

Hydra 70mm Rockets, 2x LAU-3 Pod, ALQ-119 DECM 2x AIM-7 1x ALQ-119 DECM 2x 370 USG Drop Tank 1x 600 USG Drop Tank 114x Hydra 70mm Rocket 38x Hydra 70mm Rokets (Not Supersonic flight capable)

Hydra 70mm Rockets, 4x RL-4 Pod, 119 DECM, light 2x AIM-7 1x ALQ-119 DECM 2x 370 USG Drop Tank 1x 600 USG Drop Tank 114x Hydra 70mm Rocket 16x Hydra 70mm Rockets (Subsonic Flight Capable)

F-4EJ Kai (1991, ID 1996) Loadout

Same as 1979 ver but Use ALQ-131 instead of ALQ-119 Use AIM-9L instead of AIM-9J Use AIM-7F instead of AIM-7E

+ASM-1 loadout

F-4EJ Kai (1998, ID 136) Loadout

Same as F-4EJ 1991 ver but with AAM-3 instead of AIM-9.

+ASM-1/2 loadout

F-4EJ Kai (2001, New) Loadout

Same as F-4EJ 1998 ver but with AAM-7M instead of AIM-7F.


6x Hydra Rocket Pod

青木/謙知, 航空自衛隊F-4マニアックス, 秀和システム

FrangibleCover commented 1 year ago

I haven't got the DB in front of me, but I recall being slightly dissatisfied with the variety of GCS-1 guided bomb loadouts for the Kai Phantom (and other Japanese aircraft). Do you know if the current loadouts are fair or if anything should be considered for addition there?

KC45jp commented 1 year ago

OK here is the F-4EJ with GCS-1

4x GCS-1[Mk82]

9x GCS-1[Mk82] Max loadout

KC45jp commented 1 year ago

related topic

FrangibleCover commented 1 year ago

OK here is the F-4EJ with GCS-1

4x GCS-1[Mk82]

I looked at this again, that's five bombs. One is under the centreline. The image caption also implies they're the JM117 variant?