PygmalionOfCyprus / cmo-db-requests

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RFI: Datalinks & Comms Devices #3428

Open PygmalionOfCyprus opened 1 year ago

PygmalionOfCyprus commented 1 year ago

Those who follow beta releases may have seen that DB 500 came with a foundation for our upcoming comms overhaul. If not, you can read my plan for these changes in the latest changelog.

To support this initiative, we will need to fill out existing platforms with their various comms systems (datalinks, radios, etc.). We did a pass on modern US datalinks in 500, but there are undoubtably still some we missed -- and there are lots of international comms systems we don't have in the DB. So, hit us with your best shot: obscure datalinks that only showed up in one fighter (thanks, Russia), country-specific links (e.g., Link T), or even just filling in generic radio entries with the actual system employed. Please also let us know if an existing comms entry needs to be applied to new platforms, or removed from existing ones.

Since the information we need to add a new comms entry is fairly limited and I don't want to clog up the GitHub with a million tickets for this, consider the comments below a submission point for comms stuff.

As a general format, you can use:

Comms Name: Used On: Range: Number of "Channels": i.e., how many systems can be on the net at one time Data Quality: i.e., "General Location", "Tactical Picture" (good enough for ASuW targeting but not AAW), "AAW", "BMD", or "FMV" Can Talk To: What other comms links this one can talk to (or be talked to by), and whether the relationship is mutual or one-way Special Features: e.g., AESA Antenna, LPI/LPD, Jam Resistant, Send/Receive Only

Don't sweat it if you don't know some of this information, and feel free to add anything else you think is useful. And as always, source your stuff!

HVAA commented 1 year ago

Cant see this one in the list of US platforms. Comms Name: JTT Used On: RC-135V/W, RC-135U, E-8, E-3B/C/G, DDG-51s, CVNs, Ticonderoga's Range : Global as it is a SATCOM based system (UHF Duplex Satcom) Number of Channels: 50+ Data Quality: JTIDS quality - uses J Mesasage styles, Near real time intel. Real Time Blue Force Data. Real Time Survivor Data. Can Talk To: Only to JTT equipped units, Ground Stations Special Features; Can utilise CIB (Common Interactive Broadcast), Blue Force Tracker, Survivor Data. Use the sources for the platforms, Probably enough for the sim. Complicated network.

bostonmyk commented 1 year ago

Comms Name: Polyana-D4M1 Used On: All SA-11, SA-17, SA-23, S-300V, S-400, SA-19, Pantsyr-S1M, and associated radars, 48Ya6 ‘Podlet-K1’ Radar, PU-12M7 and Ranzhir-M1 (command vehicles and relays) Mobile unified battery command posts and Barnaul-T lower tier command system. IOC: 2016 Range: Diegel seems to think an 800 square area. So maybe a front with considerations for LOS and antenna height and range. LOL Number of "Channels": 14 Data Quality: AAW, Tactical Picture. Can Talk To: 2-way, JAM resistant,

Sources: pg.20

bostonmyk commented 1 year ago

Comms Name: 9S931 Barnaul-T Used On: Tor, Verba MANPAD, 9K35 Strela-10/SA-13, and SA-8 and associated radars from 2019 Range: No data but they've been spotted in SAM convoys so likely radio range Number of "Channels": 6 Data Quality: AAW, tactical Can Talk To: Polyana-D4M1 system, Low tier Shorad subsystems

bostonmyk commented 1 year ago

Comms Name: Polyana-D4 Used On: S-300B, Buk-M1, S-300V Range: Number of "Channels": 4 Data Quality: AAW, Tactical Can Talk To: Send/Receive SA-11, SA-10B, SA-12, SA-13 and associated radars

IOC is 1986.

bostonmyk commented 1 year ago

Comms Name: Polyana-D4M1 Used On: All SA-11, SA-17, SA-23, S-300V, S-400, SA-19, Pantsyr-S1M, and associated radars, 48Ya6 ‘Podlet-K1’ Radar, PU-12M7 and Ranzhir-M1 (command vehicles and relays) Mobile unified battery command posts and Barnaul-T lower tier command system. IOC: 2016 Range: Diegel seems to think an 800 square area. So maybe a front with considerations for LOS and antenna height and range. LOL Number of "Channels": 14 Data Quality: AAW, Tactical Picture. Can Talk To: 2-way, JAM resistant,

Sources: pg.20

Gamma and Kasta radars as well.

HVAA commented 1 year ago

Comms Name: Polyana-D4M1 Used On: All SA-11, SA-17, SA-23, S-300V, S-400, SA-19, Pantsyr-S1M, and associated radars, 48Ya6 ‘Podlet-K1’ Radar, PU-12M7 and Ranzhir-M1 (command vehicles and relays) Mobile unified battery command posts and Barnaul-T lower tier command system. IOC: 2016 Range: Diegel seems to think an 800 square area. So maybe a front with considerations for LOS and antenna height and range. LOL Number of "Channels": 14 Data Quality: AAW, Tactical Picture. Can Talk To: 2-way, JAM resistant, Sources: pg.20

Gamma and Kasta radars as well.

Looks like its more of an ASV data link then (Air Surveillance Video)

TempestII commented 1 year ago

Generic laser communications / datalink with speeds upto 10 gigabits per second. Restricted to LOS only and weather may have some affect on them. However, they are practically immune to RF jamming and interception.

FrangibleCover commented 1 year ago

With grateful thanks to a friend who speaks Swedish:

Comms Name: STRIL 60 Used On: STRIL 60 Sector Control Station (new unit) Range: 400 km (250 km under jamming) (design) Number of "Channels": 40 planes, 36 missile sites and 40 SHORAD sites (design) Data Quality: Tactical Picture? AAW? A J 35B gets course and target, distance & elevation on instruments, and a message display can give orders or data like "chaff", "increase altitude", "next target", "break", "target speed" followed by a number, etc. The J 35's radar uses STRIL 60 data to know where to look to make getting a lock easier. Apparently the J 35's computer can even get data on how to set the gates on the radar to secure a lock? JA 37 can figure out where to go from target data alone, and also gets secondary target data, knowledge about air defence areas (presumably Swedish ones), declared preparedness level, and pointers on a map. Rb 68 and 69 receive target data, and can guide missiles using STRIL 60 target data alone if necessary. SHORAD sites receive the information by voice and TV but have to do the targeting by themselves. Can Talk To: One-Way. Sends to Rb 67 HAWK, Rb 68 Bloodhound, probably Rb 77 I-HAWK, J 35B/D/F/J Draken, JA 37 Viggen, Bofors 40mm, RBS 70, RBS 90. Special Features: See above. The channels and capabilities of the system are so different between missiles, aircraft and SHORAD that it might be worth setting it up as three different links.

STRIL 60 is a massive system encompassing the whole command, control, and communications aspect of Swedish air defence. It collects massive amounts of data from distributed radar systems (and, for backwards compatibility, even voice reports from people with binoculars in towers), centralises it, and allows a central staff to formulate responses, divide responsibility and targets, etc. The reaction time of the system as a whole was figured to be 6-10 seconds. The system was replaced by STRIL 90 in the 90s.


bostonmyk commented 1 year ago

DB-110 Raptor (weapon 2766 and 1698) has a real-time video link to a ground station (LOS limited).

bostonmyk commented 1 year ago

Areos Recon Pod (weapon 2917) had realtime video/ir as well. LOS and looks like they do use it from Degaulle and ground stations.

The pod began flight testing a year ago, assisting the integration of the shipborne station on the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier, using a Mirage 2000D platform. During these flights, datalink transmissions between the pod and the embedded shipborne station were validated, including very high-speed Ku-band datalink from the pod to the shipborne station for downlink of useful sensor data and the UHF datalink (based on the L22 TDMA) between the pod and the shipborne station for coordination

Seems to be a follow-on datalink program called Neuron

bostonmyk commented 11 months ago

Condor 2 Pod datalink. Elbit mentions a wideband datalink to ground station Comms Name: Condor 2 Video Used On: Condor 2 capable aircraft (Israeli F-16, F-15, Singapore and South Korean F-16, Indian Jaguars Range: Number of "Channels": 1 Data Quality: Tactical Picture Can Talk To: ground station, airborne relays Special Features:

ddranidis commented 11 months ago

Armada article on current & new RuAF datalink systems:

bostonmyk commented 10 months ago

Warzone article on how Apache's talk to Army UAVs etc. Lots of comms system mentions.

Huib18 commented 9 months ago

I saw the post of @bostonmyk #3862 about the ababil II and saw on the last picture a freq of 1430MHz. Possibly the video relay. Direct link:

claudejdev commented 8 months ago
Name Latency Channels Rng Surf Rng Air Rng BLOS CanTalkTo Operator Used On
Link 22 NRT 125 25? 150? 1000+ L11,L16 NATO Link11 platforms and more

Does that format work for you? I've found a source with several DL listed and characterized, known and exotics. Full disclosure, it's a naval wargame data book. I'm scorching my usual sources to back it up.

Huib18 commented 6 months ago


5C99 Senezh TU1.600.057.pdf Readable via Google tranlate:

Huib18 commented 6 months ago


Universal-1E.pdf Dn2kFE5WkAErqee

Huib18 commented 6 months ago


5H37 Baikal.pdf 73N6ME Baikal-1ME.pdf 73Н6 Baikal-1.pdf

Huib18 commented 6 months ago

Fundament (''фундамент-э'')

Fundament webpage.pdf

Huib18 commented 6 months ago

Rubezh (["Рубеж–МЭ" - автоматизированная система управления истребительным авиа.]

Rubezh – ME.pdf

Huib18 commented 6 months ago

Lazur (["Лазурь-М" - командная радиолиния управления]


Huib18 commented 6 months ago

Rainbow - SVPK (Радуга-СВПК)

[Rainbow-SPK-75P.pdf](https://githu Rainbow-SVPK.pdf
