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Talisman ECM pod #3810

Open TTZ32 opened 10 months ago

TTZ32 commented 10 months ago

DB Selector



MiG-29 Syria, SU-22M4 vietnam, SU-30 indonesia

Weapons Carried

Add 2x Talisman ECM pod to loadouts. Missile launch rails can be mounted directly onto the pod.

Requires Buddy Illumination


Default Combat Radius (nm)

No response

Weather Restrictions


Time-of-Day Restrictions

Day & Night

Capable of Quick Turnaround



The 'Talisman' ADS is designed for operational aircraft protection against:

All types of Air-to-Air (AAMs) and Surface-to-Air (SAMs) guided missiles armed with active (semi-active) radar seekers. All types of Air-to-Air (AAMs) and Surface-to-Air (SAMs) guided missiles armed with electro-optical (infrared) seekers. Ground-based air defense systems, employing command-guided SAMs. The ADS 'Talisman' also ensures aircraft protection against the ‘friendly fire’ of air intercept missile systems as well as ground-based air defense systems.

Main advantages and singularity:

Automatic (with no pilot/operator's input) jamming generation against all hostile illumination RESs. No restrictions on the number of the simultaneously jammed on-board and ground-based RESs. Total exclusion of the ADS-carrier self-radiation. The employment of the ADS places no restrictions on the air combat tactics of the aircraft under protection. When in close formation, the ADS-carrier securely covers a friendly neighbouring aircraft with no EPE. Full electromagnetic compatibility with the self radio electronic equipment of the aircraft under protection.


images - 2023-09-18T131736 912 EZzxd5DX0AEfdFq Syrian-Mig-29-New-Jamming-System

ghost commented 10 months ago

all technical specs are here

has 90 degree coverage front/back in azimuth. 60 degree coverage front/back in elevation works from 4-18GHz frequency range has built in RWR with estimated generic range (120nmi) has a built in MAWS with a range of at least 5-10km (3km against 0.01m^2) talisman talisman 2