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Tactical and Tecnical data of the SA-13 #3858

Open Huib18 opened 9 months ago

Huib18 commented 9 months ago

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Facility #31 SAm Plt (SA-13 Gopher Soviet Union

Summary of Changes

Please view the parameters from the website itself, those are much clearer to see than this copy paste result, although remarks are made in this section:

It is a lot of data and I can't judge what is useful. Could you please have a look what could help the SA-13 Gopher CMO? This data is probably useful for every SA-13 in CMO.

  1. Combat characteristics

The essential parameters for characterizing the combat characteristics of an FR system are the dimensions of the destruction zone, the probability of destruction, maneuver options, cover options and time balance. The base vehicle of the 9A34 and 9A35 combat vehicles were derived from the MT-LB and therefore have excellent off-road mobility and are able to swim.

Compared to the 9A34, the 9A35 had a passive radio transmitter from which optical target detection was carried out. The 9M37 rocket can work according to both infrared and photocontrast. The acquisition of the target by the missile's homing guidance head was indicated by a signal lamp. After the launch, the rocket was self-guided according to the homing guidance head. This meant that each combat vehicle could act autonomously, but was only able to detect targets to a limited extent due to the limited viewing angle of the optics.

The target assignment to the anti-aircraft missile gunner was carried out by radio, indicating the aspect angle and distance from the PU-12, according to the "Shilka" or by an aerial observer.

  1. Extents of the extermination zone

Counter-course procedure (approach)

Target speed max. 420m/s
distance ....5.000 m Target height 25 - 3.500 m

Collection procedure (departure): Probably receding targets Target speed max. 310m/s distance ....5.000 m Target height 25 - 3.500 m

  1. Probability of destruction (with an anti-aircraft missile)

    • maneuvering targets 0.1 to 0.6
  2. Fire options

    • Number of targets to be attacked simultaneously (target channels): 1 per combat vehicle
  3. Maneuver options

  1. Time balance
    • Preparation time for the first AA rocket: 5s

In the ideal situation, the target assignment (ZZW) takes place via the target assignment network, so it ends up with the platoon commander of the anti-aircraft missile platoon on the sight device of his command post PU-12 (based on BTR-60 PB modified). With this type of ZZW, the direction finder is not required, but can still be used. If the ZZW network fails, the direction finder is of great importance, so the ZZW can be given for the entire train. If the direction finder AND the ZZW network fail, the ZZW takes place via the Fla-SFL train in the battery chief's radio network. Furthermore, the battery had to ensure its own airspace observation. This was usually done by a radio detector from the command center.

With the 9K35M complex, it is necessary that the anti-aircraft missile gunner, in principle, visually capture the target. After receiving the ZZW, he points the cradle at the specified angles and searches the airspace through his viewing window. Once he has captured the target, he aims at it with the coarse sight in order to bring it into the field of view of the optical sight. The crosshairs are used to align the target and activate the target support. Now the starting zone assessment device determines whether the target is in the starting zone. If this is the case and the ZSLK generates a stable accompanying signal, the FRS initiates the start cycle.

_**There is no German SA-13 in CMO, maybe this can be added? The SA-13 was first introduced into the NVA in 1983 in the Panzer Regiment-8 and shown at the parade in Berlin on October 7th, 1984. This was a so-called advance delivery, as the 9P31 originally ordered by the USSR could not be delivered on time. In 1986 it was introduced into the 7th Panzer Division and then into the 9th PD and the 8th and 11th MSD. Until 1990, 9K35s were still added to the MSR-18.

The mast height of the SA-13 in CMO is 10m. Isn't that a bit high? Maybe 2 meters is enough?_**

Sources in German language Google Translate

bostonmyk commented 9 months ago

Really good string

Huib18 commented 8 months ago

Thanx for the additons @bostonmyk!