Closed HunterDNiu closed 2 months ago
It's also been suggested that HQ-26 is a maritime SA-21 copy with a test firing on the testbed ship in 2022, with range of 400km and 200km flight ceiling. And that HQ-29 is HQ-9BG/thin HQ-9, the PAC-3 like kinetic SAM.
PLA is believed to have been equipped with various endo-, exo- atmospheric and ASAT weapons.
Despite my best efforts I have not been able to gather an adequate amount of source and information pertaining the HQ-26 as a PAC-3 like interceptor and HQ-29 as a ship based SM-3 like interceptor.
Released footage purporting to be a test firing illustrates HQ-19 has a larger booster that is about half the length of the vehicle, with fins at the aft.
Carbon fiber casing and improved solid fuel, together with a booster size akin to that of the THAAD-ER, may yield the "3x range, 10 defended area" advantage we expected from it. Sources also states multi-pulse reignitable SRM were used.
We are unable to tell the exact but these can be expected. MMW radar may be an option but less likely.
Given its DLZ it could possess some direct ascent AS capability.
HQ-29, (alternatively, 动能末段低层反导拦截系统(8102工程)"Terminal Low-tier Kinetic Anti-missile Intercept System (Project 8102)")Baseline: PAC-3HQ-26, 2022-Baseline: SM-3 Blk IIADF-21 based.
DF-21 propulsion and basing patterns indicate its likely range and envelope is similar to US GBI. Two stage and separating KKV.