PygmalionOfCyprus / cmo-db-requests

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China, PLAAF, WZ-8 fuel consumption in different altitude #4500

Open LuigiP57 opened 2 months ago

LuigiP57 commented 2 months ago

DB Selector


Affected DBID(s)

Aircraft 6642

Description of Problem

  1. According to general aerodynamic principles, the higher the atmospheric space, the lower the air drag, the lower the fuel consumption of the aircraft should be. However, the speed performance of the WZ-8 is contrary to common sense, the higher the altitude, the more fuel consumption. We all know that all kinds of missiles and aircraft have increased their altitude to achieve greater range and more economical fuel consumption. Hypersonic vehicles (similar to the wz-8) can achieve longer unpowered glide distances in close space.


  1. The description said, at its maximum cruising altitude, the WZ-8 has a reconnaissance radius of 900 nautical miles, while in the game, the WZ-8 at its maximum flying altitude (Hi-Hi-Hi) has a combat radius of less than 500 nautical miles. This is the ripple effect of the first problem above.


Recommended Fix

Appropriate reduction of WZ-8 fuel consumption at higher altitudes to enable it to achieve the desired combat radius at maximum altitude. That is: combat radius of not less than 900 nautical miles/maximum range of not less than 2000 nautical miles (considering 10% fuel reserve) at 50km altitude and speed of not less than Mach 3 /2000kt.

PygmalionOfCyprus commented 2 months ago

I've made some adjustments that should make gameplay more viable with the WZ-8 (the cruise distance was set to 900nmi, not 2000nmi, which is why it's failing to achieve its recon radius) but the "higher SFC at high altitudes" is going to have to wait a little bit, since we don't actually have rocket propulsion for aircraft yet and it's currently using turbojets as a placeholder (which do struggle in thinner air). So, consider partially fixed, but leaving the ticket open for now.

LuigiP57 commented 2 months ago

I've made some adjustments that should make gameplay more viable with the WZ-8 (the cruise distance was set to 900nmi, not 2000nmi, which is why it's failing to achieve its recon radius) but the "higher SFC at high altitudes" is going to have to wait a little bit, since we don't actually have rocket propulsion for aircraft yet and it's currently using turbojets as a placeholder (which do struggle in thinner air). So, consider partially fixed, but leaving the ticket open for now.

Well, let's take D-21, which is about the same size.


The D-21 is thought to be comparable in size to the WZ-8, and the ramjet D-21 can fly 3,000 nautical miles without a disposable fuel tank.

If we don't insist on the same range as the D-21's 3,000 nautical miles, then 2,000 nautical miles is reasonable, right?

I sincerely hope you can reconsider it.

PygmalionOfCyprus commented 2 months ago

Yes, sorry for the misunderstanding: what I meant by my earlier comment was that the range had been initially set to 900nmi, but I have changed it to 2000nmi as part of the fix for the problems you've reported.