PygmalionOfCyprus / cmo-db-requests

Public issue/request tracking for the Command: Modern Operations database
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SHIP #3437 #3438 - D 32 Daring/Dragon [Type 45 Batch 1] (United Kingdom - 2023) #4139 #3200 - D 32 Daring/Dragon [Type 45 Batch 1] (United Kingdom - 2023) SSM rationalisation #4534

Open KLABDB3K opened 1 month ago

KLABDB3K commented 1 month ago

DB Selector


Affected DBID(s)

Ship #4139 #3437 #3438 #3200

Summary of Changes

These RN Type 45 entries appear to be hybrids blending aspects of the real warship prospective configuration:

3437 - D 32 Daring [Type 45 Batch 1] (United Kingdom - 2023) has CAMM but not NSM, - Still using Harpoon.

4139 - D 32 Daring [Type 45 Batch 1] (United Kingdom - 2023) has NSM but not CAMM

3438 - D 35 Dragon [Type 45 Batch 2] (United Kingdom - 2023) has CAMM but not NSM, - Still using Harpoon.

3200 - D 35 Dragon [Type 45 Batch 2] (United Kingdom - 2023) has NSM but not CAMM

Would benefit from a rationalised combination vessel which has both CAMM and NSM -(No Harpoon) circa 2026 perhaps please?


DB3K 505

FrangibleCover commented 1 month ago

I believe, although this is a vague impression more than knowledge, the current ships have CAMM and no SSM at all and in the future the NSM will be fitted. Therefore 4139 and 3200 should be given CAMM and shunted out to the future and the others should have Harpoon removed. - This supports what I think but is also just a random guy on the internet. - A read between the lines of this says Harpoon is gapped and NSM is going to be on everything before 2028.

KLABDB3K commented 1 month ago

Yes agreed ref no SSM but with CAMM, think Harpoon is effectively "out of warranty" for want of a more lengthy description?