PygmySlowLoris / vue-fab

Vue Floating Action Button
MIT License
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Custom colors for each menu #2

Closed mifas closed 7 years ago

mifas commented 7 years ago

Is possible to customize each menu with colour? Possible to colorproperty for fabActions

hazzo commented 7 years ago

Hi mifas,

do you mean a specific color for each action button in the FAB? Or for the whole list? I had the idea of using the main color and tint the action buttons lighter or darker based in a prop. But not changing the color completely of the actions inside the FAB menu.

Thanks for contributing!

mifas commented 7 years ago

Yes, specific color for each Fab action. Like below screenshot-pygmyslowloris github io-2017-05-22-20-05-35

Yes, tinting would nice too. I came across this plugin, seems its abandoned

Edujugon commented 7 years ago

@mifas We've already added the requested feature to the latest version.

Just need to add a new prop color to your action object. Anyway, You can have a look at documentation to get more details.

mifas commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the update. It's working