Pylons / deform

A Python HTML form library.
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Upgrade jQuery past known vulnerabilities #511

Open RudolfCardinal opened 3 years ago

RudolfCardinal commented 3 years ago

Thanks for Deform; lovely work! An question/issue re the jQuery versuib and security:

This was pointed out to us by a penetration testing company. They note that the potential exploit methods are complex, but I'm afraid I don't know whether this is in effect a false positive or whether it is a real concern. However, on the assumption that they are right:

Could Deform ship with a more recent jQuery version? I note this is clearly not as simple as dropping in the current version (3.6.0 does not work)! Many thanks for thinking about this.

stevepiercy commented 3 years ago

Yes, Deform could (and should) use a more current and secure version of jQuery.

I would accept a PR that passes all functional tests. I'd be happy to assist you with the setup if you want to do the necessary work.

Putting JavaScripts in the <head> was done because no one could figure out how to inject jQuery inside the closing </body> and inject a widget's JavaScripts after it. We did some work to make this more flexible, and more work is needed to complete the task.

Additionally we now have two branches.