Pylons / pyramid-cookiecutter-starter

A Cookiecutter (project template) for creating a Pyramid starter project with choices for template language (Jinja2, Chameleon, or Mako), persistent backend (none, SQLAlchemy with SQLite, or ZODB), and mapping of URLs to routes (URL dispatch or traversal)
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No module named dateutil.rrule #105

Closed rredesigns closed 3 years ago

rredesigns commented 3 years ago

Hello there!

I was trying to use cookicutter today and got this:

You've downloaded /home/rre/.cookiecutters/pyramid-cookiecutter-starter before. Is it okay to delete and re-download it? [yes]: yes
Unable to load extension: No module named 'dateutil.rrule'

dateutil was installed globally. Also cookiecutter was installed globally, then uninstalled and installed with the --user flag as stated in Pyramid's docs and it ends up in the same.

If I try to import dateutil.rrule from a Python CLI it throws the same error, but I couldn't find anything about this module being deprecated or something.

This happend under Manjaro Linux (Arch based) and Python 3.8.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks a lot.

stevepiercy commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the report. I have no clue where dateutil.rrule comes from.

Check your version of cookiecutter installed in your user space. It should be the latest. Then try upgrading cookiecutter:

pip install  cookiecutter --user --upgrade

Optionally try the same with dateutil.rrule.

pip install  dateutil.rrule --user --upgrade

I have the latest cookiecutter installed and the following command worked for me without issue:

cookiecutter gh:Pylons/pyramid-cookiecutter-starter
You've downloaded /Users/stevepiercy/.cookiecutters/pyramid-cookiecutter-starter before. Is it okay to delete and re-download it? [yes]: yes
project_name [Pyramid Scaffold]:
repo_name [pyramid_scaffold]:
Select template_language:
1 - jinja2
2 - chameleon
3 - mako
Choose from 1, 2, 3 [1]:
Select backend:
1 - none
2 - sqlalchemy
3 - zodb
Choose from 1, 2, 3 [1]:

Mailing List:!forum/pylons-discuss
Welcome to Pyramid.  Sorry for the convenience.

Change directory into your newly created project.
    cd pyramid_scaffold

Create a Python virtual environment.
    python3 -m venv env

Upgrade packaging tools.
    env/bin/pip install --upgrade pip setuptools

Install the project in editable mode with its testing requirements.
    env/bin/pip install -e ".[testing]"

Run your project's tests.

Run your project.
    env/bin/pserve development.ini

Please let us know. Thank you!

rredesigns commented 3 years ago


Ok, so I tried a lot of stuff, even trying to do it all from the venv and no luck. Then I just got so mad I uninstalled python-dateutil (that's the Arch package name) and then installed it again. It works now.

I'd like to point out that I had never installed dateutil by myself, it was installed along cookiecutter (if I remember correctly) as a dependency and was installed incomplete apparently, so maybe you wanna look into that? :D

Anyway, it now works and I'm happy to start with Pyramid. Django was just "too much" and Pyramid seems to be exactly what I wanted.

Thanks a ton for the quick reply and the help. Goodbye.

stevepiercy commented 3 years ago

You're welcome.

You can file an issue with the maintainers of cookiecutter. We maintain this cookiecutter, but not the package cookiecutter.