Pylons / pyramid_rpc

RPC plugins for pyramid. XML-RPC, JSON-RPC, etc.
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Need to distinguish Forbidden from RequestInvalid in jsonrpc #18

Closed jwashin closed 12 years ago

jwashin commented 12 years ago

I want to have my pyjamas (json-rpc) client display a login dialog as a response to Forbidden.

Currently (git head), Forbidden is returned as JsonRpcRequestInvalid.

Invalid Request is defined in the JSON-RPC 2.0 spec : The JSON sent is not a valid Request object.

Forbidden needs to be distinguished from Invalid Request.

I believe that, since the JSON-RPC spec requires a json-rpc response, the proper response would be a jsonrpc_error_response with an error code of 401, with message "Unauthorized".

mmerickel commented 12 years ago

So I sort of feel like this falls outside of the scope of pyramid_rpc. There are two possible solutions here:

@view_config(context=HTTPForbidden, route_name='jsonrpc', renderer='json')
def jsonrpc_forbidden_view(request):
    return {
        'jsonrpc': '2.0',
        'id': request.rpc_id,
        'error': {

To clarify, this should work because pyramid_rpc itself registers a similar view to handle all errors of type Exception, but since this one is a more specific type of exception, it will override that view and win in the case of an HTTPForbidden exception.

jwashin commented 12 years ago

I like your solutions.

I will pursue the second solution in my app.
