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Spring Boot 2.0 Migration Guide #23

Open Pyohwan opened 4 years ago

Pyohwan commented 4 years ago

Before You Start

Upgrade to the latest 1.5.x version

Spring Boot Features

Default Proxying Strategy


# Spring Boot Actuator
## Build
* 기존에는 spring-boot-actuator 랑 spring-boot-actuator-autoconfigure 가 있었는데, 앞으로는 spring-boot-starter-actuator 만 추천
## Configuration Keys Structure
* property 이름이 바뀜. 원래 문서 참고
## Base Path
* `/actuator` 가 기본 endpoints
## Audit Event API Change
* 생략
## Endpoints
* HTTP actuator endpoint 를 사용하려면, enabled and exposed 둘다 필요하다
  * Spring Security 와 관련없이 /health and /info 는 노출 됨
  * /shutdown 을 제외한 모든 endpoints 활성화
* 모든 endpoints 노촐하기


* /shutdown endpoint 명시적 노출


* env 를 제외한 모든 endpoints 노출하기

management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=* management.endpoints.web.exposure.exclude=env

## Endpoint Format
### Overhaul of the "/actuator/mappings" Actuator Endpoint
* 생략
### Overhaul of the "/actuator/httptrace" Actuator Endpoint
* 생략
## Migrate Custom Endpoints
* 생략. 필요하면 문서 보세요
# Metrics
## Setting up Micrometer
* Actuator 사용중이면 메트릭 자동구성 해줌.
* Prometheus, Atlas or Datadog 등을 위한 디펜던시 제공 함
## Migrating Custom Counters/Gauges
* 생략
## Spring Boot 1.5 Support
* 생략
# Developer Tools
## Hot swapping
* 제거됨. Devtools 쓰세요
## Devtools Remote Debug Tunnel
* tunnelling remote debugging over HTTP 가 제거됨
# Removed Features
* CRaSH support
* Auto-configuration and dependency management for Spring Mobile.
* Auto-configuration and dependency management for Spring Social. Please check the Spring Social project for more details.
* Dependency management for commons-digester.
* Test support in the CLI (i.e. spring test)
# Dependency Versions
The minimum supported version of the following libraries has changed:
* Elasticsearch 5.6
* Gradle 4
* Hibernate 5.2
* Jetty 9.4
* Spring Framework 5
* Spring Security 5
* Spring Integration 5 (see also their migration guide)
* Tomcat 8.5