Pyomo / pyomo

An object-oriented algebraic modeling language in Python for structured optimization problems.
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Pyomo solution does not agree with gams solution #2623

Closed David-Linan closed 1 year ago

David-Linan commented 1 year ago


I am using GAMS solvers to solve an optimization problem involving pyomo.gdp and pyomo.dae. I have noticed several times that the solution obtained by GAMS is not the same as the one reported by pyomo in the attached file. It seems to me that there is an error when GAMS passes the results back to pyomo.

Steps to reproduce the issue

An example script is attached

from __future__ import division
import pyomo.environ as pe
import pyomo.dae as dae
import math
import os
from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory
from pyomo.gdp import Disjunct, Disjunction
import itertools

def scheduling_and_control():
    # Data
    Infty = 1e+8
    # ------------pyomo model------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    m = pe.ConcreteModel(name='reaction_1')

    # ------------scalars    ------------------------------------------------
    # TODO: Update as required = pe.Param(
        initialize=1, doc='lenght of time periods of discretized time grid for scheduling [units of time]')
    # TODO: Update as required
    m.lastT = pe.Param(
        initialize=14, doc='last discrete time value in the scheduling time grid')

    # -----------sets--------------------------------------------------------
    # Main sets
    m.T = pe.RangeSet(0, m.lastT, 1, doc='Discrete time set')
    # TODO: Note that here I only consider species relevant for the dynamic model
    m.Q = pe.Set(initialize=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D',
                 'E', 'F'], doc='Chemical species')
    m.J = pe.Set(initialize=['Mix', 'R_large',
                 'R_small', 'Sep', 'Pack'], doc='Set of Units')
    m.I = pe.Set(initialize=['Mix', 'R1', 'R2', 'R3',
                 'Sep', 'Pack1', 'Pack2'], doc='Set of tasks')
    m.K = pe.Set(initialize=['S1', 'M1', 'M2', 'M3', 'W1', 'P1',
                 'P2', 'I1', 'I2', 'I3', 'I4', 'I5', 'I6'], doc='Set of states')
    # Subsets
    m.J_reactors = pe.Set(initialize=['R_large', 'R_small'], within=m.J)
    m.I_reactions = pe.Set(initialize=['R1', 'R2', 'R3'], within=m.I)
    m.J_noDynamics = m.J-m.J_reactors
    m.I_noDynamics = m.I-m.I_reactions
    m.K_inputs = pe.Set(initialize=['S1', 'M1', 'M2', 'M3'], within=m.K)
    m.K_products = pe.Set(initialize=['P1', 'P2'], within=m.K)
    # ----------Scalars that depend on sets
    m.eta = pe.Param(initialize=(m.T.__len__()-1)*,
                     doc='scheduling horizon [units of nntime]')

    # -----------parameters--------------------------------------------------
    _I_i_k_minus = {}
    _I_i_k_minus['Mix', 'S1'] = 1
    _I_i_k_minus['Mix', 'M1'] = 1

    _I_i_k_minus['R1', 'M2'] = 1
    _I_i_k_minus['R1', 'M3'] = 1

    _I_i_k_minus['R2', 'I1'] = 1
    _I_i_k_minus['R2', 'I2'] = 1

    _I_i_k_minus['R3', 'I3'] = 1
    _I_i_k_minus['R3', 'M3'] = 1

    _I_i_k_minus['Sep', 'I4'] = 1

    _I_i_k_minus['Pack1', 'I5'] = 1

    _I_i_k_minus['Pack2', 'I6'] = 1
    m.I_i_k_minus = pe.Param(m.I, m.K, initialize=_I_i_k_minus,
                             default=0, doc='State-task mapping: outputs from states')

    _I_i_k_plus = {}
    _I_i_k_plus['Mix', 'I1'] = 1

    _I_i_k_plus['R1', 'I2'] = 1

    _I_i_k_plus['R2', 'I3'] = 1
    _I_i_k_plus['R2', 'I5'] = 1

    _I_i_k_plus['R3', 'I4'] = 1

    _I_i_k_plus['Sep', 'W1'] = 1
    _I_i_k_plus['Sep', 'I6'] = 1

    _I_i_k_plus['Pack1', 'P1'] = 1

    _I_i_k_plus['Pack2', 'P2'] = 1
    m.I_i_k_plus = pe.Param(m.I, m.K, initialize=_I_i_k_plus,
                            default=0, doc="Task-state mapping: inputs to states")

    _rho_minus = {}
    _rho_minus['Mix', 'S1'] = 3/5
    _rho_minus['Mix', 'M1'] = 2/5

    _rho_minus['R1', 'M2'] = 1/2
    _rho_minus['R1', 'M3'] = 1/2

    _rho_minus['R2', 'I1'] = 1/2
    _rho_minus['R2', 'I2'] = 1/2

    _rho_minus['R3', 'I3'] = 1/2
    _rho_minus['R3', 'M3'] = 1/2

    _rho_minus['Sep', 'I4'] = 1

    _rho_minus['Pack1', 'I5'] = 1

    _rho_minus['Pack2', 'I6'] = 1
    m.rho_minus = pe.Param(m.I, m.K, initialize=_rho_minus, default=0,
                           doc="Fraction of material in state k consumed by task i ")

    _rho_plus = {}
    _rho_plus['Mix', 'I1'] = 1

    _rho_plus['R1', 'I2'] = 1

    _rho_plus['R2', 'I3'] = 3/5
    _rho_plus['R2', 'I5'] = 2/5

    _rho_plus['R3', 'I4'] = 1

    _rho_plus['Sep', 'W1'] = 2/5
    _rho_plus['Sep', 'I6'] = 3/5

    _rho_plus['Pack1', 'P1'] = 1

    _rho_plus['Pack2', 'P2'] = 1
    m.rho_plus = pe.Param(m.I, m.K, initialize=_rho_plus, default=0,
                          doc="Fraction of material in state k produced by task i ")

    _I_i_j_prod = {}
    _I_i_j_prod['Mix', 'Mix'] = 1

    _I_i_j_prod['R1', 'R_large'] = 1
    _I_i_j_prod['R1', 'R_small'] = 1

    _I_i_j_prod['R2', 'R_large'] = 1
    _I_i_j_prod['R2', 'R_small'] = 1

    _I_i_j_prod['R3', 'R_large'] = 1
    _I_i_j_prod['R3', 'R_small'] = 1

    _I_i_j_prod['Sep', 'Sep'] = 1

    _I_i_j_prod['Pack1', 'Pack'] = 1
    _I_i_j_prod['Pack2', 'Pack'] = 1
    m.I_i_j_prod = pe.Param(m.I, m.J, initialize=_I_i_j_prod, default=0,
                            doc="Unit-task mapping (Definition of units that are allowed to perform a given task")

    _beta_min = {}
    _beta_min['Mix', 'Mix'] = 0.2

    _beta_min['R1', 'R_large'] = 0.15
    _beta_min['R1', 'R_small'] = 0.1

    _beta_min['R2', 'R_large'] = 0.15
    _beta_min['R2', 'R_small'] = 0.1

    _beta_min['R3', 'R_large'] = 0.15
    _beta_min['R3', 'R_small'] = 0.1

    _beta_min['Sep', 'Sep'] = 0.2

    _beta_min['Pack1', 'Pack'] = 0.1
    _beta_min['Pack2', 'Pack'] = 0.1
    # Note that I am using volumes, altough mass would be more general.
    m.beta_min = pe.Param(m.I, m.J, initialize=_beta_min, default=0,
                          doc="minimum capacity of unit j for task i [m^3]")

    _beta_max = {}
    _beta_max['Mix', 'Mix'] = 2

    _beta_max['R1', 'R_large'] = 1.5
    _beta_max['R1', 'R_small'] = 1

    _beta_max['R2', 'R_large'] = 1.5
    _beta_max['R2', 'R_small'] = 1

    _beta_max['R3', 'R_large'] = 1.5
    _beta_max['R3', 'R_small'] = 1

    _beta_max['Sep', 'Sep'] = 2

    _beta_max['Pack1', 'Pack'] = 1
    _beta_max['Pack2', 'Pack'] = 1
    # Note that I am using volumes, altough mass would be more general.
    m.beta_max = pe.Param(m.I, m.J, initialize=_beta_max, default=0,
                          doc="maximum capacity of unit j for task i [m^3]")

    m.gamma = pe.Param(m.K, initialize={'S1': Infty, 'M1': Infty, 'M2': Infty, 'M3': Infty, 'W1': Infty, 'P1': Infty, 'P2': Infty,
                       'I1': 2, 'I2': 2, 'I3': 2, 'I4': 2, 'I5': 5, 'I6': 5}, default=0, doc="maximum amount of material k that can be stored [m^3]")

    # Parameters of reactor units
    # m.v_R_max = pe.Param(m.J_reactors,initialize={'R_large':1.5,'R_small':1},doc='Maximum capacity of the reactor [m^3]') #TODO: Probably not used
    m.v_J = pe.Param(m.J_reactors, initialize={
                     'R_large': 0.5, 'R_small': 0.3}, doc='Volume of the Jacket [m^3]')
    m.rho_J = pe.Param(m.J_reactors, initialize={
                       'R_large': 1e+3, 'R_small': 1e+3}, doc='Density of the jacket [kg/m^3]')
    m.c_J = pe.Param(m.J_reactors, initialize={
                     'R_large': 4.2, 'R_small': 4.2}, doc='Heat capacity of jacket [kJ/kg K]') = pe.Param(m.J_reactors, initialize={
                    'R_large': 3e+4, 'R_small': 2e+4}, doc='Heat transfer coefficient [kJ/h K]')
    m.T_H = pe.Param(m.J_reactors, initialize={
                     'R_large': 370, 'R_small': 370}, doc='Temperature of heating water [K]')
    m.T_C = pe.Param(m.J_reactors, initialize={
                     'R_large': 300, 'R_small': 300}, doc='Temperature of cooling water [K]')
    m.T_R_max = pe.Param(m.J_reactors, initialize={
                         'R_large': 370, 'R_small': 370}, doc='Maximum temperature of reactor [K]')
    m.T_J_max = pe.Param(m.J_reactors, initialize={
                         'R_large': 370, 'R_small': 370}, doc='Maximum temperature of jacket [K]')
    m.F_max = pe.Param(m.J_reactors, initialize={
                       'R_large': 10, 'R_small': 5}, doc='Maximum flow rate of heating and cooling water [m^3/h]')

    # Parameters of reaction tasks
    m.z = pe.Param(m.I_reactions, initialize={
                   'R1': 1e+7, 'R2': 1.2e+3, 'R3': 2e+4}, doc='Pre-exponential factors [m^3/kmol h]') = pe.Param(m.I_reactions, initialize={
                    'R1': 5e+3, 'R2': 2e+3, 'R3': 3e+3}, doc='Normalized activation energy [K]')
    m.delta_h = pe.Param(m.I_reactions, initialize={
                         'R1': 1e+3, 'R2': -2e+3, 'R3': 5e+3}, doc='Heat of reaction [kJ/kmol]')
    m.rho_R = pe.Param(m.I_reactions, initialize={
                       'R1': 1e+3, 'R2': 1e+3, 'R3': 1e+3}, doc='Density of reaction mixture [kg/m^3]')
    m.c_R = pe.Param(m.I_reactions, initialize={
                     'R1': 3, 'R2': 3.5, 'R3': 4}, doc='Heat capacity of reaction mixture [kJ/kg K]')
    _coef = {}

    _coef['R1', 'B'] = -1
    _coef['R1', 'C'] = -1
    _coef['R1', 'D'] = 2

    _coef['R2', 'A'] = -1
    _coef['R2', 'D'] = -1
    _coef['R2', 'E'] = 2

    _coef['R3', 'C'] = -1
    _coef['R3', 'E'] = -1
    _coef['R3', 'F'] = 1
    m.coef = pe.Param(m.I_reactions, m.Q, default=0,
                      initialize=_coef, doc='Stoichiometric coefficient')

    # Composition of states #TODO: In general the problem is formulated using mass balances, but in the paper there is an assumption, so balances are performed in terms of volumes
    _C = {}
    _C['M1', 'A'] = 5

    _C['M2', 'B'] = 2

    _C['M3', 'C'] = 2

    _C['P1', 'E'] = 1.8  # This has the same composition as I3 and I5
    # Based on the abouve comment and a balance, I had to add this (based on mole balance)
    _C['P1', 'A'] = 0.1
    # Based on the abouve comment and a balance, I had to add this (based on mole balance)
    _C['P1', 'D'] = 0.05
    # Based on the abouve comment and a balance, I had to add this (based on mole balance)
    _C['P1', 'B'] = 0.025
    # Based on the abouve comment and a balance, I had to add this (based on mole balance)
    _C['P1', 'C'] = 0.025

    # Other component compositions are unknown due to unknown conditions in distillation. Perfect separation is assumed
    _C['P2', 'F'] = 1

    _C['I1', 'A'] = 2

    _C['I2', 'B'] = 0.05
    _C['I2', 'C'] = 0.05
    _C['I2', 'D'] = 1.9  # TODO: Note that composition of output states from reactors is being specified, i.e., I already know the exact desired composition I want as output from each reactor

    # TODO (solved): There are "others" component here. Check if there is any assumption, given that inerts are usually considered in balances
    _C['I3', 'E'] = 1.8
    # Based on the abouve comment and a balance, I had to add this (based on mole balance)
    _C['I3', 'A'] = 0.1
    # Based on the abouve comment and a balance, I had to add this (based on mole balance)
    _C['I3', 'D'] = 0.05
    # Based on the abouve comment and a balance, I had to add this (based on mole balance)
    _C['I3', 'B'] = 0.025
    # Based on the abouve comment and a balance, I had to add this (based on mole balance)
    _C['I3', 'C'] = 0.025

    _C['I4', 'F'] = 0.8
    # Based on the abouve comment and a balance, I had to add this (based on mole balance)
    _C['I4', 'C'] = 0.2125
    # Based on the abouve comment and a balance, I had to add this (based on mole balance)
    _C['I4', 'E'] = 0.1
    # Based on the abouve comment and a balance, I had to add this (based on mole balance)
    _C['I4', 'A'] = 0.05
    # Based on the abouve comment and a balance, I had to add this (based on mole balance)
    _C['I4', 'D'] = 0.025
    # Based on the abouve comment and a balance, I had to add this (based on mole balance)
    _C['I4', 'B'] = 0.0125

    _C['I5', 'E'] = 1.8
    # Based on the abouve comment and a balance, I had to add this (based on mole balance)
    _C['I5', 'A'] = 0.1
    # Based on the abouve comment and a balance, I had to add this (based on mole balance)
    _C['I5', 'D'] = 0.05
    # Based on the abouve comment and a balance, I had to add this (based on mole balance)
    _C['I5', 'B'] = 0.025
    # Based on the abouve comment and a balance, I had to add this (based on mole balance)
    _C['I5', 'C'] = 0.025

    # Other component compositions are unknown due to unknown conditions in distillation
    _C['I6', 'F'] = 1
    # Waste composition is unknown
    m.C = pe.Param(m.K, m.Q, initialize=_C, default=0,
                   doc='Composition of different reactive components at each state [kmol/m^3]')

    # Initial composition and final composition inside reactors. This is important for dynamics, but these parameters are not going to be used in scheduling

    def _C_initial(m, I, Q):
        return sum(m.rho_minus[I, K]*m.C[K, Q] for K in m.K if m.I_i_k_minus[I, K] == 1)
    # TODO: Check assumptions that lead to this equation in you article. Same assumptions here
    m.C_initial = pe.Param(m.I_reactions, m.Q, initialize=_C_initial,
                           doc='Initial composition inside reactor for this reaction and component [kmol/m^3]')
    # m.C_initial.display()

    def _C_final(m, I, Q):
        return sum(m.rho_plus[I, K]*m.C[K, Q] for K in m.K if m.I_i_k_plus[I, K] == 1)
    m.C_final = pe.Param(m.I_reactions, m.Q, initialize=_C_final,
                         doc='Final composition inside reactor for this reaction and component [kmol/m^3]')

    # Initial temperature of reactors and heating medium for each task
    m.T_R_initial = pe.Param(m.I_reactions, initialize={
                             'R1': 300, 'R2': 300, 'R3': 300}, doc='Initial condition for reaction temperatures inside reactor [K]')
    m.T_J_initial = pe.Param(m.I_reactions, initialize={
                             'R1': 300, 'R2': 300, 'R3': 300}, doc='Initial condition for jacket temperatures [K]')
    # Final temperature of reactions
    m.T_R_final = pe.Param(m.I_reactions, initialize={
                           'R1': 320, 'R2': 320, 'R3': 320}, doc='Maximum temperature at the end of the reaction [K]')

    def _demand(m, K, T):
        if K == 'P1' and T == m.lastT:
            # 1 is the parameter in you article
            return (1)/sum(m.C[K, Q] for Q in m.Q)
        elif K == 'P2' and T == m.lastT:
            # 1 is the parameter in you article
            return (1)/sum(m.C[K, Q] for Q in m.Q)
            return 0
    m.demand = pe.Param(m.K, m.T, initialize=_demand, default=0,
                        doc="Minimum demand of material k at time t [m^3]")
    # You is not reporting this, so I am assuming it is infinity. This makes sense with the objective function his defines if it is assumed that raw material is available whenever we want to buy it, and that it can instantanelusly go to our production facility
    m.S0 = pe.Param(m.K, initialize={'M1': Infty, 'M2': Infty, 'M3': Infty,
                    'S1': Infty}, default=0, doc="Initial amount of state k [m^3]")

    _fixed_cost = {}
    _fixed_cost['Mix', 'Mix'] = 10

    _fixed_cost['R1', 'R_large'] = 30
    _fixed_cost['R1', 'R_small'] = 20

    _fixed_cost['R2', 'R_large'] = 30
    _fixed_cost['R2', 'R_small'] = 20

    _fixed_cost['R3', 'R_large'] = 30
    _fixed_cost['R3', 'R_small'] = 20

    _fixed_cost['Sep', 'Sep'] = 100

    _fixed_cost['Pack1', 'Pack'] = 50
    _fixed_cost['Pack2', 'Pack'] = 50

    m.fixed_cost = pe.Param(m.I, m.J, default=0, initialize=_fixed_cost,
                            doc="Fixed cost to run task i in unit j [m.u./batch]")

    _variable_cost_param = {}
    _variable_cost_param['Mix', 'Mix'] = 30

    _variable_cost_param['Sep', 'Sep'] = 100

    _variable_cost_param['Pack1', 'Pack'] = 50
    _variable_cost_param['Pack2', 'Pack'] = 50

    m.variable_cost = pe.Param(
        m.I, m.J, default=0, initialize=_variable_cost_param, doc="Variabe batch cost [m.u/m^3]")

    def _raw_cost(m, K):
        if K == 'S1':
            return 0
        elif K == 'M1':  # A
            return 100*sum(m.C[K, Q] for Q in m.Q)
        elif K == 'M2':  # B
            return 150*sum(m.C[K, Q] for Q in m.Q)
        elif K == 'M3':  # C
            return 200*sum(m.C[K, Q] for Q in m.Q)
            return 0
    m.raw_cost = pe.Param(m.K, default=0, initialize=_raw_cost,
                          doc='Unit cost of raw materials [m.u./m^3]')

    m.hot_cost = pe.Param(
        initialize=10, doc='Unit cost of heating fluid [m.u./m^3]')
    m.cold_cost = pe.Param(
        initialize=1, doc='Unit cost of cooling fluid [m.u./m^3]')

    def _revenue(m, K):
        if K == 'P1':
            return 700*sum(m.C[K, Q] for Q in m.Q)
        elif K == 'P2':
            return 1200*sum(m.C[K, Q] for Q in m.Q)
            return 0
    m.revenue = pe.Param(m.K, default=0, initialize=_revenue,
                         doc='revenue from selling one unit of material k [m.u/m^3]')

    m.t_p = pe.Param(m.T, initialize=[
           *j for j in m.T], doc='physical time [units of time]')

    _tau_p = {}

    _tau_p['Mix', 'Mix'] = 1.5

    _tau_p['Sep', 'Sep'] = 3

    _tau_p['Pack1', 'Pack'] = 1.5
    _tau_p['Pack2', 'Pack'] = 1.5

    # TODO: the input info I am declaring here is in HOURS. Check that it makes sense with respect to the time discretization in reactors balances!!!!!!!
    m.tau_p = pe.Param(m.I, m.J, initialize=_tau_p, mutable=True, default=0,
                       doc="Physical processing time for tasks [units of time]")

    def _tau(m, I, J):
        return math.ceil(pe.value(m.tau_p[I, J])/
    m.tau = pe.Param(m.I, m.J, initialize=_tau, mutable=True, default=0,
                     doc="Processing time with respect to the time grid: how many grid spaces do I need for the task ?")

    # # -----------scheduling variables -----------------------------------------
    m.X = pe.Var(m.I, m.J, m.T, within=pe.Binary, initialize=0,
                 doc='1 if unit j processes task i starting at time t')
    # help(pe.Var)

    def _B_bounds(m, I, J, T):
        return (0, m.beta_max[I, J])
    m.B = pe.Var(m.I, m.J, m.T, within=pe.NonNegativeReals, bounds=_B_bounds,
                 initialize=0, doc='Batch size of task i processed in unit j starting at time t')

    def _S_bounds(m, K, T):
        return (0, m.gamma[K])
    m.S = pe.Var(m.K, m.T, within=pe.NonNegativeReals, bounds=_S_bounds,
                 initialize=0, doc='Inventory of material k at time t')

    # # ----------Reactor variables that do not depend on disjunctions------------------------------------------------------
    def _Vreactor_bounds(m, I, J):
        return (m.model().beta_min[I, J], m.model().beta_max[I, J])
    m.Vreactor = pe.Var(m.I_reactions, m.J_reactors, within=pe.NonNegativeReals, bounds=_Vreactor_bounds,
                        doc='Reactive mixture volume for reaction I in reactor J [m^3]')  # TODO: link this variable with batch size variables

    # # ----------Scheduling Constraints that DO NOT depend on disjunctions-----------------------------------------
    def _E2_CAPACITY_LOW(m, I, J, T):
        if m.I_i_j_prod[I, J] != 1:
            return pe.Constraint.Skip
            return m.beta_min[I, J]*m.X[I, J, T] <= m.B[I, J, T]

    m.E2_CAPACITY_LOW = pe.Constraint(
        m.I, m.J, m.T, rule=_E2_CAPACITY_LOW, doc='UNIT CAPACITY LOWER BOUND')

    def _E2_CAPACITY_UP(m, I, J, T):
        if m.I_i_j_prod[I, J] != 1:
            return pe.Constraint.Skip
            return m.B[I, J, T] <= m.beta_max[I, J]*m.X[I, J, T]

    m.E2_CAPACITY_UP = pe.Constraint(
        m.I, m.J, m.T, rule=_E2_CAPACITY_UP, doc='UNIT CAPACITY UPPER BOUND')

    def _E3_BALANCE_INIT(m, K):
        # -m.demand[K,0]
        return m.S[K, 0] == m.S0[K]-sum(m.rho_minus[I, K]*sum(m.B[I, J, 0] for J in m.J if m.I_i_j_prod[I, J] == 1) for I in m.I if m.I_i_k_minus[I, K] == 1)
    m.E3_BALANCE_INIT = pe.Constraint(

        return m.S[K, m.lastT] >= m.demand[K, m.lastT]
    m.E_DEMAND_SATISFACTION = pe.Constraint(

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -----------------DISJUNCTIVE SECTION-------------------------------------------------
    _minTau = {}
    _minTau['R1', 'R_large'] = math.ceil(2/
    _minTau['R1', 'R_small'] = math.ceil(2/

    _minTau['R2', 'R_large'] = math.ceil(3/
    _minTau['R2', 'R_small'] = math.ceil(3/

    _minTau['R3', 'R_large'] = math.ceil(2/
    _minTau['R3', 'R_small'] = math.ceil(2/
    m.minTau = pe.Param(m.I_reactions, m.J_reactors, initialize=_minTau,
                        doc='Minimum number of discrete elements required to complete task [dimensionless]')

    _maxTau = {}
    _maxTau['R1', 'R_large'] = math.ceil(2/
    _maxTau['R1', 'R_small'] = math.ceil(2/

    _maxTau['R2', 'R_large'] = math.ceil(3/
    _maxTau['R2', 'R_small'] = math.ceil(3/

    _maxTau['R3', 'R_large'] = math.ceil(2/
    _maxTau['R3', 'R_small'] = math.ceil(2/
    m.maxTau = pe.Param(m.I_reactions, m.J_reactors, initialize=_maxTau,
                        doc='Maximum number of discrete elements required to complete task [dimensionless]')

    def _varTime_bounds(m, I, J):
        return (m.minTau[I, J]*, m.maxTau[I, J]*
    m.varTime = pe.Var(m.I_reactions, m.J_reactors, within=pe.NonNegativeReals,
                       bounds=_varTime_bounds, doc='Variable processing time for units that consider dynamics [h]')

    m.ordered_set = {}
    m.YR = {}
    m.oneYR = {}
    for I in m.I_reactions:
        for J in m.J_reactors:

            m.ordered_set[I, J] = pe.RangeSet(
                m.minTau[I, J], m.maxTau[I, J], doc='Ordered set for each reaction-reactor pair')
            setattr(m, 'ordered_set_%s_%s' % (I, J), m.ordered_set[I, J])

            m.YR[I, J] = pe.BooleanVar(m.ordered_set[I, J], initialize=False)
            setattr(m, 'YR_%s_%s' % (I, J), m.YR[I, J])

            # Constraint that allow to apply the reformulation over YR
            def _select_one(m):
                return pe.exactly(1, m.YR[I, J])
            m.oneYR[I, J] = pe.LogicalConstraint(rule=_select_one)
            setattr(m, 'oneYR_%s_%s' % (I, J), m.oneYR[I, J])

    # Declaration of disjuncts
    def _initDisjuncset(m):
        return list(itertools.product(*m.ordered_set.values()))
    m.disjunctionsset = pe.Set(initialize=_initDisjuncset)

    m.Y = pe.BooleanVar(m.disjunctionsset, initialize=False,
                        doc="Boolean variable that defines the disjunction that decides which scheduling model will be used, depending on the current durantion of each task")

    def _YR_Y_equivalence(m, *args):
        disjunctionsset = args
        return_list = []
        current = -1
        for I in m.I_reactions:
            for J in m.J_reactors:
                current = current+1
                for order in m.ordered_set[I, J]:
                    if order == disjunctionsset[current]:
                        return_list.append(m.YR[I, J][order])
        return m.Y[disjunctionsset].equivalent_to(

    m.YR_Y_equivalence = pe.LogicalConstraint(
        m.disjunctionsset, rule=_YR_Y_equivalence)

    # -----First disjunction
    def _build_disjuncts(m, *args):  # Disjuncts for first Boolean variable
        disjunctionsset = args
        current = -1
        for I in m.model().I_reactions:
            for J in m.model().J_reactors:
                current = current+1
                m.model().tau[I, J] = disjunctionsset[current]
                # Both times are assumed to be discrete
                m.model().tau_p[I, J] = disjunctionsset[current] * \
        # #----------- Variable processing times----------------------------------------------------------------

        def _DEF_VAR_TIME(m, I, J):
            return m.model().varTime[I, J] == pe.value(m.model().tau_p[I, J])
        m.DEF_VAR_TIME = pe.Constraint(m.model().I_reactions, m.model(
        ).J_reactors, rule=_DEF_VAR_TIME, doc='Assignment of variable time value')
        # # ----------Scheduling Constraints that depend on disjunctions-----------------------------------------
        # TODO: The following equations make the disjunction require a lot of time to generate and therefore the model requires a lot of time to construct

        def _E1_UNIT(m, J, T):
            return sum(sum(m.model().X[I, J, TP] for TP in m.model().T if TP <= T and TP >= T-pe.value(m.model().tau[I, J])+1) for I in m.model().I if m.model().I_i_j_prod[I, J] == 1) <= 1
        m.E1_UNIT = pe.Constraint(
            m.model().J, m.model().T, rule=_E1_UNIT, doc='UNIT UTILIZATION')
        # m.E1_UNIT.display()

        def _E3_BALANCE(m, K, T):
            if T == 0:
                return pe.Constraint.Skip
                return m.model().S[K, T] == m.model().S[K, T-1]+sum(m.model().rho_plus[I, K]*sum(m.model().B[I, J, T-pe.value(m.model().tau[I, J])] for J in m.model().J if m.model().I_i_j_prod[I, J] == 1 and T-pe.value(m.model().tau[I, J]) >= 0) for I in m.model().I if m.model().I_i_k_plus[I, K] == 1) - sum(m.model().rho_minus[I, K]*sum(m.model().B[I, J, T] for J in m.model().J if m.model().I_i_j_prod[I, J] == 1) for I in m.model().I if m.model().I_i_k_minus[I, K] == 1)  # -m.model().demand[K,T]
        m.E3_BALANCE = pe.Constraint(
            m.model().K, m.model().T, rule=_E3_BALANCE, doc='MATERIAL BALANCES')
    m.Y_disjuncts = Disjunct(m.disjunctionsset, rule=_build_disjuncts,
                             doc="each disjunct defines a scheduling model with different operation times for reactor tasks")

    # Create disjunction
    def Disjunction1(m):  # Disjunction for first Boolean variable
        return [m.Y_disjuncts[disjunctionsset] for disjunctionsset in m.disjunctionsset]
    m.Disjunction1 = Disjunction(rule=Disjunction1, xor=True)

    # Associate disjuncts with boolean variables
    for index in m.disjunctionsset:

    # --------END OF DISJUNCTIVE SECTION------------------------------------------
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # # ----------Linking constraints-------------------------------------------
    def _linking1_1(m, I, J, T):
        return m.B[I, J, T]-m.Vreactor[I, J] <= (m.beta_max[I, J]-m.beta_min[I, J])*(1-m.X[I, J, T])
    m.linking1 = pe.Constraint(m.I_reactions, m.J_reactors, m.T, rule=_linking1_1,
                               doc='Linking constraint to fuarantee that batch sizes agree with reactor volumes')

    def _linking1_2(m, I, J, T):
        return -(m.B[I, J, T]-m.Vreactor[I, J]) <= m.beta_max[I, J]*(1-m.X[I, J, T])
    m.linking2 = pe.Constraint(m.I_reactions, m.J_reactors, m.T, rule=_linking1_2,
                               doc='Linking constraint to fuarantee that batch sizes agree with reactor volumes')

    # -----------Reactors dynamic models--------------------------------

    # Sets
    m.N = {}  # Continuous time set
    m.Q_balance = {}  # Species of interest in mole and energy balances

    # Variables
    m.Cvar = {}  # Composition profiles
    m.TRvar = {}  # Reactor temperature profiles
    m.TJvar = {}  # Jacket temperature profile
    # Hot fluid volumetric flow rate profile (manipulated variable)
    m.Fhot = {}
    # Cold fluid volumetric flow rate profile (manipulated variable)
    m.Fcold = {}

    # Derivativa variables
    m.dCdtheta = {}  # Composition derivatives
    m.dTRdtheta = {}  # Reactor temperature derivatives
    m.dTJdtheta = {}  # Jacket temperature derivatives

    # Differential equations
    m.c_dCdtheta = {}
    m.c_dTRdtheta = {}
    m.c_dTJdtheta = {}

    # Final constraint
    m.finalCon = {}
    m.finalTemp = {}

    # Integrals for cost calcualtion
    m.Integral_hot = {}
    m.Integral_cold = {}

    m.dIntegral_hotdtheta = {}
    m.dIntegral_colddtheta = {}
    m.c_dIntegral_hotdtheta = {}
    m.c_dIntegral_colddtheta = {}

    for I in m.I_reactions:
        m.Q_balance[I] = pe.Set(initialize=[Q for Q in m.Q if m.coef[I, Q] != 0],
                                within=m.Q, doc='Species of interest for reaction I')
        setattr(m, 'Q_balance_[%s]' % I, m.Q_balance[I])
        for J in m.J_reactors:
            # TODO: chek units of time, are they consistent? should I use hours?
            m.N[I, J] = dae.ContinuousSet(
                bounds=(0, 1), doc='Continuous time set for reaction I in reactor J [-]')
            # TODO: I think the name of the pyomo object do not affect, because I can access these sets through dictionary m.N. Check if this is correct
            setattr(m, 'N_%s_%s' % (I, J), m.N[I, J])

            def _Cvar_bounds(m, N, Q):
                # TODO: Check bounds
                return (min([m.C_initial[I, Q], m.C_final[I, Q]]), max([m.C_initial[I, Q], m.C_final[I, Q]]))
            m.Cvar[I, J] = pe.Var(m.N[I, J], m.Q_balance[I], within=pe.NonNegativeReals,
                                  bounds=_Cvar_bounds, doc='Component composition profile [kmol/m^3]')
            setattr(m, 'Cvar_(%s,%s)' % (I, J), m.Cvar[I, J])

            def _TRvar_bounds(m, N):
                return (m.T_R_initial[I], m.T_R_max[J])  # TODO: Check bounds
            m.TRvar[I, J] = pe.Var(m.N[I, J], within=pe.NonNegativeReals,
                                   bounds=_TRvar_bounds, doc='Reactor temperatrue profile [K]')
            setattr(m, 'TRvar_(%s,%s)' % (I, J), m.TRvar[I, J])

            def _TJvar_bounds(m, N):
                return (m.T_J_initial[I], m.T_J_max[J])  # TODO: Check bounds
            m.TJvar[I, J] = pe.Var(m.N[I, J], within=pe.NonNegativeReals,
                                   bounds=_TJvar_bounds, doc='Jacket temperature profile [K]')
            setattr(m, 'TJvar_(%s,%s)' % (I, J), m.TJvar[I, J])

            m.Fhot[I, J] = pe.Var(m.N[I, J], within=pe.NonNegativeReals, bounds=(
                0, m.F_max[J]), doc='Flow of heating fluid [m^3/h]')  # TODO: Check bounds
            setattr(m, 'Fhot_(%s,%s)' % (I, J), m.Fhot[I, J])

            m.Fcold[I, J] = pe.Var(m.N[I, J], within=pe.NonNegativeReals, bounds=(
                0, m.F_max[J]), doc='Flow of cooling fluid [m^3/h]')  # TODO: Check bounds
            setattr(m, 'Fcold_(%s,%s)' % (I, J), m.Fcold[I, J])

            m.dCdtheta[I, J] = dae.DerivativeVar(
                m.Cvar[I, J], withrespectto=m.N[I, J], doc='Derivative of composition')
            setattr(m, 'dCdtheta_(%s,%s)' % (I, J), m.dCdtheta[I, J])

            m.dTRdtheta[I, J] = dae.DerivativeVar(
                m.TRvar[I, J], withrespectto=m.N[I, J], doc='Derivative of reactor temperature')
            setattr(m, 'dTRdtheta_(%s,%s)' % (I, J), m.dTRdtheta[I, J])

            m.dTJdtheta[I, J] = dae.DerivativeVar(
                m.TJvar[I, J], withrespectto=m.N[I, J], doc='Derivative of jacket temperature')
            setattr(m, 'dTJdtheta_(%s,%s)' % (I, J), m.dTJdtheta[I, J])

            def _dCdtheta(m, N, Q):
                if N == m.N[I, J].first():
                    # Initial condition
                    return m.Cvar[I, J][N, Q] == m.C_initial[I, Q]
                else:  # This is what the author calls Rb
                    return m.dCdtheta[I, J][N, Q] == m.varTime[I, J]*(m.coef[I, Q] * m.z[I]*pe.exp([I]/m.TRvar[I, J][N])*[m.Cvar[I, J][N, Q_2] for Q_2 in m.Q_balance[I] if m.coef[I, Q_2] <= -1]))
            m.c_dCdtheta[I, J] = pe.Constraint(
                m.N[I, J], m.Q_balance[I], rule=_dCdtheta)
            setattr(m, 'c_dCdtheta_(%s,%s)' % (I, J), m.c_dCdtheta[I, J])

            def _dTRdtheta(m, N):
                if N == m.N[I, J].first():
                    # Initial condition
                    return m.TRvar[I, J][N] == m.T_R_initial[I]
                    return m.dTRdtheta[I, J][N] == m.varTime[I, J]*((((m.z[I]*pe.exp([I]/m.TRvar[I, J][N])*[m.Cvar[I, J][N, Q_2] for Q_2 in m.Q_balance[I] if m.coef[I, Q_2] <= -1]))*(-m.delta_h[I]))/(m.rho_R[I]*m.c_R[I]))+(([J]*(m.TJvar[I, J][N] - m.TRvar[I, J][N]))/(m.Vreactor[I, J]*m.rho_R[I]*m.c_R[I])))
            m.c_dTRdtheta[I, J] = pe.Constraint(m.N[I, J], rule=_dTRdtheta)
            setattr(m, 'c_dTRdtheta_(%s,%s)' % (I, J), m.c_dTRdtheta[I, J])
            # m.c_dTRdt[I,J].pprint()

            def _dTJdtheta(m, N):
                if N == m.N[I, J].first():
                    # Initial condition
                    return m.TJvar[I, J][N] == m.T_J_initial[I]
                    return m.dTJdtheta[I, J][N] == m.varTime[I, J]*((((m.Fhot[I, J][N]*(m.T_H[J]-m.TJvar[I, J][N]))+(m.Fcold[I, J][N]*(m.T_C[J]-m.TJvar[I, J][N])))/(m.v_J[J]))+(([J]*(m.TRvar[I, J][N]-m.TJvar[I, J][N]))/(m.v_J[J]*m.rho_J[J]*m.c_J[J])))
            m.c_dTJdtheta[I, J] = pe.Constraint(m.N[I, J], rule=_dTJdtheta)
            setattr(m, 'c_dTJdtheta_(%s,%s)' % (I, J), m.c_dTJdtheta[I, J])

            # Constraints when finishing reaction tasks

            # Final concentration constraint
            def _finalCon(m, N, Q):
                if N == m.N[I, J].last():
                    return m.Cvar[I, J][N, Q] == m.C_final[I, Q]
                    return pe.Constraint.Skip
            m.finalCon[I, J] = pe.Constraint(
                m.N[I, J], m.Q_balance[I], rule=_finalCon)
            setattr(m, 'finalCon_(%s,%s)' % (I, J), m.finalCon[I, J])

            # Final temperature constraints

            def _finalTemp(m, N):
                if N == m.N[I, J].last():
                    return m.TRvar[I, J][N] <= m.T_R_final[I]
                    return pe.Constraint.Skip
            m.finalTemp[I, J] = pe.Constraint(m.N[I, J], rule=_finalTemp)
            setattr(m, 'finalTemp_(%s,%s)' % (I, J), m.finalTemp[I, J])

           # Integrals for cost calculation
            def _Integral_hot_bounds(m, N):
                return (0, m.F_max[J]*m.maxTau[I, J]*
            m.Integral_hot[I, J] = pe.Var(m.N[I, J], within=pe.NonNegativeReals, initialize=0,
                                          bounds=_Integral_hot_bounds, doc='Integral of F_hot evaluated at every point [m^3]')
            setattr(m, 'Integral_hot_%s_%s' % (I, J), m.Integral_hot[I, J])

            def _Integral_cold_bounds(m, N):
                return (0, m.F_max[J]*m.maxTau[I, J]*
            m.Integral_cold[I, J] = pe.Var(m.N[I, J], within=pe.NonNegativeReals, initialize=0,
                                           bounds=_Integral_cold_bounds, doc='Integral of F_cold evaluated at every point [m^3]')
            setattr(m, 'Integral_cold_%s_%s' % (I, J), m.Integral_cold[I, J])

            m.dIntegral_hotdtheta[I, J] = dae.DerivativeVar(
                m.Integral_hot[I, J], withrespectto=m.N[I, J], doc='Derivative of hot integral')
            setattr(m, 'dIntegral_hotdtheta_(%s,%s)' %
                    (I, J), m.dIntegral_hotdtheta[I, J])
            m.dIntegral_colddtheta[I, J] = dae.DerivativeVar(
                m.Integral_cold[I, J], withrespectto=m.N[I, J], doc='Derivative of cold integral')
            setattr(m, 'dIntegral_colddtheta_(%s,%s)' %
                    (I, J), m.dIntegral_colddtheta[I, J])

            def _c_dIntegral_hotdtheta(m, N):
                if N == m.N[I, J].first():
                    return m.Integral_hot[I, J][N] == 0
                    return m.dIntegral_hotdtheta[I, J][N] == m.varTime[I, J]*m.Fhot[I, J][N]
            m.c_dIntegral_hotdtheta[I, J] = pe.Constraint(
                m.N[I, J], rule=_c_dIntegral_hotdtheta)
            setattr(m, 'c_dIntegral_hotdtheta_(%s,%s)' %
                    (I, J), m.c_dIntegral_hotdtheta[I, J])

            def _c_dIntegral_colddtheta(m, N):
                if N == m.N[I, J].first():
                    return m.Integral_cold[I, J][N] == 0
                    return m.dIntegral_colddtheta[I, J][N] == m.varTime[I, J]*m.Fcold[I, J][N]
            m.c_dIntegral_colddtheta[I, J] = pe.Constraint(
                m.N[I, J], rule=_c_dIntegral_colddtheta)
            setattr(m, 'c_dIntegral_colddtheta_(%s,%s)' %
                    (I, J), m.c_dIntegral_colddtheta[I, J])

    # # -------Discretization---------------------------------------------------
    # Constant control actions
    m.Constant_control1 = {}
    m.Constant_control2 = {}
    keep_constant_Fhot = 3  # Keep Fhot constant every three discretization points
    keep_constant_Fcold = 3  # Keep Fcold constant every three discretization points

    # dae.finite_difference is also possible
    discretizer = pe.TransformationFactory('dae.collocation')

    for I in m.I_reactions:
        for J in m.J_reactors:
                m, nfe=10, ncp=3, wrt=m.N[I, J], scheme='LAGRANGE-RADAU')

            # ------Constant control
    for I in m.I_reactions:
        for J in m.J_reactors:
            def _Constant_control1(m, N):
                if (N != m.N[I, J].first() and (m.N[I, J].ord(N)-1) % keep_constant_Fhot != 0) or (N == m.N[I, J].last()):
                    return m.Fhot[I, J][N] == m.Fhot[I, J][m.N[I, J].prev(N)]
                    return pe.Constraint.Skip
            m.Constant_control1[I, J] = pe.Constraint(
                m.N[I, J], rule=_Constant_control1, doc='Constant control action every keep_constant_Fhot discrete points and the last one')
            setattr(m, 'Constant_control1_(%s,%s)' %
                    (I, J), m.Constant_control1[I, J])

            def _Constant_control2(m, N):
                if (N != m.N[I, J].first() and (m.N[I, J].ord(N)-1) % keep_constant_Fcold != 0) or (N == m.N[I, J].last()):
                    return m.Fcold[I, J][N] == m.Fcold[I, J][m.N[I, J].prev(N)]
                    return pe.Constraint.Skip
            m.Constant_control2[I, J] = pe.Constraint(
                m.N[I, J], rule=_Constant_control2, doc='Constant control action every keep_constant_Fcold discrete points and the last one')
            setattr(m, 'Constant_control2_(%s,%s)' %
                    (I, J), m.Constant_control2[I, J])

    # # -------Reformulation----------------------------------------------------
    def _I_J(m):
        return ((I, J) for I in m.I for J in m.J if m.I_i_j_prod[I, J] == 1)
    m.I_J = pe.Set(dimen=2, initialize=_I_J, doc='task-unit nodes')
    # m.I_J.display()

    def _lastN(m, I, J):
        if I in m.I_reactions and J in m.J_reactors:
            # TODO: Note that I am using the minimum, or I can use Tau, but I would have to incorporate this within the disjunction.
            return math.floor((m.T.__len__()-1)/m.minTau[I, J])
            return math.floor((m.T.__len__()-1)/pe.value(m.tau[I, J]))
    m.lastN = pe.Param(m.I_J, initialize=_lastN,
                       doc='last element for subsets of ordered set')
    # m.lastN.display()

    def _Nref_bounds(m, I, J):
        return (0, m.lastN[I, J])
    m.Nref = pe.Var(m.I_J, within=pe.Integers, bounds=_Nref_bounds,
                    doc='reformulation variables from 0 to lastN')

    def _X_Z_relation(m, I, J):
        return sum(m.X[I, J, T] for T in m.T) == m.Nref[I, J]
    m.X_Z_relation = pe.Constraint(
        m.I_J, rule=_X_Z_relation, doc='constraint that specifies the relationship between Integer and binary variables')

    # # ----------Objective function----------------------------------------------
    def _obj(m):
        return (
            # TPC: Fixed costs for all unit-tasks
            sum(sum(sum(m.fixed_cost[I, J]*m.X[I, J, T]
                for J in m.J) for I in m.I) for T in m.T)
            # TPC: Variable cost for unit-tasks that do not consider dynamics
            + sum(sum(sum(m.variable_cost[I, J]*m.B[I, J, T]
                  for J in m.J_noDynamics) for I in m.I_noDynamics) for T in m.T)
            + sum(sum(sum(m.X[I, J, T]*(m.hot_cost*m.Integral_hot[I, J][m.N[I, J].last()] + m.cold_cost*m.Integral_cold[I, J][m.N[I, J].last()])
                  for T in m.T) for I in m.I_reactions)for J in m.J_reactors)  # TPC: Variable cost for unit-tasks that do consider dynamics
            + sum(m.raw_cost[K]*(m.S0[K]-m.S[K, m.lastT])
                  for K in m.K_inputs)  # TMC: Total material cost
            # SALES: Revenue form selling products
            - sum(m.revenue[K]*m.S[K, m.lastT] for K in m.K_products)
    m.obj = pe.Objective(rule=_obj, sense=pe.minimize)

    return m

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #--- model
    m = scheduling_and_control()
    # --- Solver declaration
    minlp_solver = 'dicopt'
    nlp_solver = 'conopt4'
    sub_options = {'add_options': ['GAMS_MODEL.optfile = 1;', 'option optcr=0;\n', 'option optca=0;\n', '\n',
                                   '$onecho > dicopt.opt \n', 'nlpsolver '+nlp_solver+'\n', 'stop 1 \n', 'maxcycles 2000 \n', '$offecho \n']}

    # --Transformation step
    transformation_string = 'gdp.hull'

    # --minlp options
    minlp_options = {}
    minlp_options['add_options'] = sub_options.get('add_options', [])
    minlp_options['add_options'].append('option reslim=1000;')
    minlp_options['add_options'].append('option optcr=0;')

    # --Solve
    solvername = 'gams'
    opt = SolverFactory(solvername, solver=minlp_solver)
    m.results = opt.solve(m, tee=True, **minlp_options)

    # --pyomo objective function
    print('Objective value PYOMO: ', str(pe.value(m.obj)))
    # --pyomo objective function (from variable values)
    TPC1 = sum(sum(sum(m.fixed_cost[I, J]*pe.value(m.X[I, J, T])
               for J in m.J)for I in m.I)for T in m.T)
    TPC2 = sum(sum(sum(m.variable_cost[I, J]*pe.value(m.B[I, J, T])
               for J in m.J_noDynamics) for I in m.I_noDynamics) for T in m.T)
    TPC3 = sum(sum(sum(pe.value(m.X[I, J, T])*(m.hot_cost*pe.value(m.Integral_hot[I, J][m.N[I, J].last()]) + m.cold_cost *
               pe.value(m.Integral_cold[I, J][m.N[I, J].last()])) for T in m.T) for I in m.I_reactions)for J in m.J_reactors)
    TMC = sum(m.raw_cost[K]*(m.S0[K]-pe.value(m.S[K, m.lastT]))
              for K in m.K_inputs)
    SALES = sum(m.revenue[K]*pe.value(m.S[K, m.lastT]) for K in m.K_products)
    print('Objective value PYOMO (from variables):', str(OBJVAL))

Error Message

There is no error message, but the objective obtained by GAMS (-8.37) differs from the one reported by pyomo (-12.37).

$ # 
--- DICOPT: Best integer solution found: -8.370436
--- Reading solution for model GAMS_MODEL
--- GDX Point C:\Users\dlinanro\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpq7nl_wsp\GAMS_MODEL_p.gdx
--- Executing after solve: elapsed 0:00:19.932
--- model.gms(17936) 8 Mb
--- model.gms(17959) 8 Mb
--- GDX File (execute_unload) C:\Users\dlinanro\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpq7nl_wsp\results_s.gdx
*** Status: Normal completion
--- Job model.gms Stop 11/23/22 12:34:12 elapsed 0:00:19.934
Objective value PYOMO:  -12.37043586559782
Objective value PYOMO (from variables): -12.37043586559782

Information on your system

Pyomo version: Pyomo 6.4.2, GAMS 37.1.0 Python version: 3.10.6 Operating system: Windows 10 How Pyomo was installed (PyPI, conda, source): conda Solver (if applicable):

Additional information

I think the problem is not related to the recent GAMS-pyomo issues, because I am using an older GAMS version. Note that I was able to reproduce the situation from another computer using:

Pyomo version: Pyomo 6.2, GAMS 34.3.0 Python version: 3.8.5 Operating system: Linux 5.4.72-microsoft-standard-WSL2 How Pyomo was installed (PyPI, conda, source): source Solver (if applicable):

Please contact me if additional info is required

David-Linan commented 1 year ago

It seems to me that the error was related to a variable that had very large values (m.S). I was able to solve the error by replacing the parameter "Infty" with 10, which allowed to scale variable m.S. Anyway, please take a look at this issue if you think both objectives should agree regardless of my scaling modeling error.