Pyrbu / ZNPCsPlus

A Spigot plugin for creating interactable fake entities
GNU General Public License v3.0
118 stars 29 forks source link

memory leak (build #102) #84

Closed Teslicek closed 1 year ago

Teslicek commented 1 year ago


image Image taken after 11h uptime. (Have at least 3 more heap dumps with the same high memory usage between different restarts.)

(dont mind ajleaderboards, working on that one)

Discord: txslx (in case you need full image etc)

Teslicek commented 1 year ago


This is another heap dump after 24h uptime. Looks much better, so it's probably not a memory leak, just a pretty big memory usage compared to other plugins (such as decentholograms, etc).

It's probably nothing serious, but just thought I'd be good to point out in case someone else also noticed it.

Pyrbu commented 1 year ago

Could you please upload the heap dump file to a file sharing service and send me the link on discord (@pyrbu) so I can take a look?

Pyrbu commented 1 year ago

Fixed in f1c59d0