Pyrdacor / Ambermoon-Advanced

First Ambermoon Extension
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[Bug] Using scrolls on maps which disallow magic #19

Open Pyrdacor opened 11 months ago

Pyrdacor commented 11 months ago

There is a map flag which disallows magic on a map. In the original it just disables the action button for the spell book but you could still use spell scrolls from the inventory.

In AA this is no longer possible.

But now the problem is that you can't use spell scrolls in battles on those maps. It might be logical but this is not the intend of the map flag. It just should avoid things like "Jump", "Word of return" or allowing buffs.

So it should be adjusted so scrolls are usable in battles even on those maps.

Btw it is possible to use scrolls in camp on those maps. This should be avoided as you can still cast buffs there!