Pyrdacor / Ambermoon-Advanced

First Ambermoon Extension
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Two minor issues in Dor Grestin #20

Open macce2 opened 11 months ago

macce2 commented 11 months ago

The dwarf lady tells you that Asrub, the healer lives on the north-west part of the town; but the healer's house is actually located more on the north-east side of the town, or better say north side.

The Nest (Inn): despite the message that tells you that the party is ready to leave after a good rest/sleep; the party hasn't actually rested/slept at all, so you have to select the option Sleep/rest After the message appearing to actually get some sleep. This should be corrected.

Pyrdacor commented 11 months ago

I think you mean it is actually located in the north east. This indeed should be fixed.

The issue with sleeping in inns is a general one. Resting in inns just means teleporting to the rest room and opening the inn screen. You have to sleep there and only then will recover.

But maybe this is not so bad. It is like you rent a room for the night. You can still decide to not sleep there and just leave in real life too.

macce2 commented 11 months ago

I think you mean it is actually located in the north east. This indeed should be fixed.

Yes, I think one could say that Asrub's house is located on the north side of the town.

The issue with sleeping in inns is a general one. Resting in inns just means teleporting to the rest room and opening the inn screen. You have to sleep there and only then will recover.

But maybe this is not so bad. It is like you rent a room for the night. You can still decide to not sleep there and just leave in real life too.

I think the Nest could well be the first inn/tavern in the game so far, that left me a little puzzled when entered the first time, because of the message telling me that the party Has Had a good rest.