Pyrdacor / Ambermoon-Advanced

First Ambermoon Extension
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Minor wording issue in Dor Kiredon #21

Closed macce2 closed 10 months ago

macce2 commented 11 months ago

In the tavern you meet Darbog, who says: "Welcome adventurers! Even HERE in DOR GRESTIN we heard of your arrival!"

IMHO that should be corrected. Maybe just removing the word "here" from the sentence Darbog says should be enough !?

Pyrdacor commented 11 months ago

This is in Dor Kiredon? Then this is a bug. Maybe the NPCs was meant to be in Dor Greetin instead? Have to investigate this.

macce2 commented 11 months ago

Yes, it does occur when in Dor Kiredon. I guess this must propably be present in original Ambermoon also (!?); but I decided to add this here, just because I'm playing and testing this version ! (Ambermoon Advanced English v. 1.03) and found the issue then.

Pyrdacor commented 11 months ago

Well in the current version there is no change on the forest moon or Morag. So everything you find there is in the original as well.

macce2 commented 10 months ago

Just a little off topic, but: There are two buildings with doors in Dor Kiredon, that cannot be entered. Is that on purpose...!? In the case that those buildings could be entered somehow, please don't spoil too much!

Pyrdacor commented 10 months ago

Those are not supposed to enter and there is no way to do so.

macce2 commented 10 months ago

Ok, nice to know that ! Maybe we(you)'ll find some use for them in the upcoming releases ! I could start trying to get some realistic ideas for those too...!?!