Pyrdacor / Ambermoon-Advanced

First Ambermoon Extension
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Issue with Morag prison #22

Open macce2 opened 9 months ago

macce2 commented 9 months ago

I assume this part was meant to work with the following way:

As you enter the prison, you're unable to enter the Cell until you kill the Lizard (-only one I guess...!?) and get the key.

However, what I found was the lizard (?!) re-appearing repeatedly, seemingly endlessly (?!) after you have killed it once; and getting the (same?!) key over and over again. Anyway, the cell door doesn't seem to work as it should; no "door lock screen" appears, and you are able to walk through it (or the wall near it) easily and enter the cell. The remains there are meant to be important, aren't they ..!? However, I was unable to figure out what to do there (no pickable items or anything like that ).. ?!?